"When I ran for this office, I pledged to make government more open and accountable to its citizens. That’s what the new We the People feature on WhiteHouse.gov is all about – giving Americans a direct line to the White House on the issues and concerns that matter most to them." - President Barack Obama
Here are 12 marijuana policy related petitions currently on the White House We the People petition page:
- Give States the Freedom to Establish Their Own Marijuana Laws.
- Stop denying the medical value of cannabis (marijuana.) Remove it from schedule one of the controlled substances act.
- Release all known beneficial information regarding cannabis (hemp, marijuana) and its derivatives.
- End the destructive, wasteful and counterproductive "War on Drugs".
- Remove Marijuana from the Schedule 1 list of drugs in the Controlled Substances Act.
- Allow United States Disabled Military Veterans access to medical marijuana to treat their PTSD.
- Eliminate or Reform Departments whose Officers are Required by Law to Lie to the American People.
- Pardon Marc Emery.
- Allow Industrial Hemp to be Grown in the U.S. Once Again.
- Stop Interfering With State Marijuana Legalization Efforts.
- Legalize, regulate, and tax marijuana.
- Legalize and Regulate Marijuana in a Manner Similar to Alcohol.