Now is the time to let your legislators know you support medical cannabis!
Yesterday, the House Judiciary Committee advanced HB 136 — the medical cannabis bill — in a 15-1 vote. It now heads to the House floor, which has passed similar bills in past years.
The issue has never gotten a vote in the Senate, but Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer has stated that he will not get “in the way” if a medical cannabis bill has sufficient Republican support for a vote in the Senate. It’s crucial that you engage with your legislators. HB 136 is a solid bipartisan bill sponsored by Rep. Jason Nemes (R), who has been a champion for medical cannabis for years.
Please write your state legislators in support of medical cannabis! HB 136 is the best bet to move cannabis reform forward in 2022. Time is running out for this year’s session, so your voice is critical.
Help spread the word on this historic bill by forwarding this message to your friends and family in Kentucky!
bipartisan bill, cannabis reform, HB 136, House floor, House Judiciary Committee, Kentucky, KY, medical cannabis, medical cannabis bill, Medical Marijuana, Rep. Jason Nemes, Republican support, Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer, vote
Unfortunately, HB 305, a bill to legalize, regulate, and tax cannabis for adults 21 and older, fell just two votes short of the needed supermajority (25 votes) to clear the House yesterday. The final vote count was 23 yes, 14 no, and 4 not voting.
Far more representatives stood with a majority of Delawareans and voted in favor of the bill rather than against it.
If your rep voted YES, you can send them a note here to thank them. If your rep voted NO or didn't vote, please send them a message to let them know you’re disappointed.
Thank you to everyone who raised their voices in support of HB 305. The fight to bring equitable legalization to Delaware continues.
cannabis legalization, DE, Delaware, equitable legalization, HB 305, House floor vote, House of Representatives, legalization bill, supermajority, vote, vote count
Ask your state representative to vote YES on HB 305!
Big news! HB 305, a bill to legalize and regulate cannabis for adults in Delaware, is scheduled for a vote by the full House of Representatives. The vote is scheduled for TOMORROW, Thursday, March 10. Debate begins at 2 p.m.
Email your representative and ask them to vote YES on HB 305, and then follow up with a call!
The bill needs to receive a supermajority (25 votes) to clear the House. It’s more important than ever that your lawmakers hear from you — ask them to legalize cannabis THIS YEAR by voting YES on HB 305!
HB 305 is the just, equitable cannabis policy that Delawareans deserve. It would legalize possession of up to one ounce of cannabis for adults 21 and older, promote equity and inclusion in the legal industry from communities disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition, and reinvest a portion of tax revenue into those communities through a Justice Reinvestment Fund. You can check out our full summary of HB 305 here.
A strong majority of Delawareans support legalization. Ask your state representative to listen to their constituents and vote YES on HB 305.
Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to your friends and family in Delaware or sharing this link on social media — — and urging your contacts to help get HB 305 past the finish line.
Together, we can end prohibition in the First State!
cannabis legalization, DE, Delaware, disproportionately impacted communities, end prohibition, equitable cannabis policy, equity, First State, HB 305, House floor vote, inclusion, Justice Reinvestment Fund, legalization, possession, supermajority, Tax and Regulate, tax revenue, vote
At 2:00 p.m. ET this afternoon, the Yes We Cannabis RI Coalition will kick off the first in a series of three online educational panels focused on cannabis legalization and social equity. Today’s event, titled “Seeds of Hope: Repairing the Harm,” will feature a discussion about automatic record clearance for past cannabis offenses and other reforms to the criminal legal system. The event will be moderated by Cherie Cruz of the Formerly Incarcerated Union of Rhode Island. Panelists include:
• Steven Brown – American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island
• Juan Cuthbert – Directly impacted leader
• Evan Rosin-Pritchard – Former community liaison for the RI Public Defender
• Carly Wolf – National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
The online panel series will be streamed live on the Yes We Cannabis RI Facebook page, with recordings available afterwards. There will be an open question and answer session after each discussion with questions from the online audience (submitted to the Facebook page).
Other upcoming online panels hosted by Yes We Cannabis include:
Monday, March 14 at 4:00 p.m. ET — “Seeds of Hope: Remembering the Patients”
• Patient advocates will discuss how Rhode Island can protect those who need cannabis for medical reasons and ensure they are not left behind as the state moves forward with legalizing, regulating, and taxing adult-use cannabis.
Monday, March 21 (time TBD) — “Seeds of Hope: Building an Inclusive Industry”
• Legalization laws passed in other states have included policies to create a diverse and inclusive cannabis industry — but the results have been disappointing. Advocates will discuss lessons learned and how Rhode Island can be a leader in establishing a more equitable cannabis economy.
Get informed about equitable cannabis policies so that you can be an effective advocate!
If you miss any of the online events, you can watch a recording on the Yes We Cannabis RI Facebook page!
automatic record clearance, cannabis legalization, Cherie Cruz, criminal legal system, equitable cannabis economy, expungement, Formerly Incarcerated Union of Rhode Island, inclusive industry, online educational panels, past cannabis offenses, patients, repairing harm, Rhode Island, RI, Seeds of Hope, social equity, Yes We Cannabis RI
Now is the time to let your legislators know you support medical cannabis!
State Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer has stated that he will not get “in the way” if a medical cannabis bill has sufficient Republican support for a vote in the Senate. HB 136 is a solid bipartisan bill sponsored by Rep. Jason Nemes (R), who has been a champion for medical cannabis for years. Now is the time to engage with your legislators to support this bill!
Please write your state legislators in support of medical cannabis!
There are other cannabis bills that have been submitted, including legalization bills, but their chances to gain traction are limited. HB 136 is the best bet to move cannabis reform forward in 2022. Time is running out for this year’s session, so your voice is critical.
Help spread the word on this historic bill by forwarding this message to your friends and family in Kentucky!
bipartisan bill, cannabis reform, HB 136, Kentucky, KY, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Rep. Jason Nemes, Republican support, Senate vote, State Senate Majority Leader Damon Thayer
Legislative leaders in the House and Senate have found common ground on a plan to legalize, regulate, and tax cannabis for adults
Exciting news!
Yesterday, Rep. Scott Slater and Sen. Josh Miller, along with many cosponsors in the House and Senate, formally introduced a pair of identical bills (S 2430 and H 7593) to legalize, regulate, and tax cannabis for adults 21 and older in Rhode Island.
The long-awaited legislation is the product of many months of discussions among top lawmakers in the state, including Senate President Dominic Ruggerio and Speaker of the House Joseph Shekarchi, who have both indicated they believe this to be the year Rhode Island joins 18 other states with adult-use cannabis legalization laws. The first committee hearing on the bill is expected to be scheduled toward the end of this month.
The legislation would:
A comprehensive summary of the proposal can be found here, while the full text of the measure can be found here.
Stay tuned for more updates as the pair of bills progress through the legislative process!
cannabis legalization, H 7593, home cultivation, legalization, possession, Rep. Scott Slater, Rhode Island, RI, S 2430, Sen. Josh Miller, Senate President Dominic Ruggerio, social equity assistance fund, social equity businesses, social services, Speaker of the House Joseph Shekarchi, tax, worker-owned cooperatives
Be sure to get out and vote if you live in the 4th House district!
A special election is being held on Saturday, March 5 to fill a vacancy to replace former Representative Gerald Brady in the 4th House District (Wilmington).
The outcome of the special election is critical in determining the fate of legalization. HB 305 — a bill to legalize, regulate, and tax cannabis for adults — is currently waiting to be considered by the full House of Representatives. The winner of the special election will be a key vote on the bill on the House floor.
Democratic candidate Bud Freel has pledged to support HB 305, while Republican candidate Ted Kittila has said he does not plan to vote for the bill.
Early voting is already underway and will continue through Thursday, March 3, 2022 at the Carvel State Office Building from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Carvel State Office Building
820 North French Street
Wilmington, Delaware 19801
Voting Area: Mezzanine (Floor 2)
If you plan to vote on Election Day, you can do so from 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. at your assigned polling place.
We need a supermajority (25 votes) for HB 305 to clear the House of Representatives. Don’t miss this opportunity to help get legalization across the finish line this year! Then, spread the news to friends and family in Wilmington!
State legislative special elections tend to have very small turnouts, so it’s crucial to turn out.
4th House district, Bud Freel, candidates, cannabis legalization, Carvel State Office Building, DE, Delaware, Election Day, former Representative Gerald Brady, HB 305, House floor, key vote, polling place, special election, supermajority, Ted Kittila, Wilmington
Ask your legislators to call for amendments to HB 1598.
On Thursday, March 3, the House Ways and Means Committee will hold a hearing on HB 1598, which would legalize cannabis for adults 21 and older and create a state-run monopoly to sell cannabis. (The full House approved the bill once, but then re-referred it to Ways and Means due to its fiscal impact.)
While MPP’s mission is to legalize cannabis, we are concerned that this approach to legalization will result in a costly boondoggle that will never get off the ground — at least until federal law changes, which could be years away.
States can license and regulate private cannabis businesses, but they cannot direct their own workers to break federal law by selling cannabis. Doing so creates a “direct and positive conflict” and is preempted.
We also have a number of other concerns, including that the bill would re-criminalize cannabis-infused products. You can check out my written testimony on the bill here and our bill summary here. I won’t be able to make it to New Hampshire to testify in person. But perhaps you can?
What: N.H. House Ways and Means Committee hearing on HB 1598 (The committee is required to focus on the fiscal aspects of the bill.)
Where: Legislative Office Building, Room 202-204, 33 N State St., Concord, NH 03301
When: Thursday, March 3, 1:00 p.m.
How: Fill out a sign-up card (they're pink) and submit it to the committee. It is advisable to limit testimony to three minutes.
Please ask your lawmakers to fix HB 1598 and spread the word! It’s past time New Hampshire end its status as an “island of prohibition” — but it needs to do so in a way that actually works.
boondoggle, cannabis legalization, cannabis-infused products, Concord, federal law, fiscal impact, HB 1598, hearing, House Ways and Means Committee, island of prohibition, legalization bill, New Hampshire, NH, poison pill, preemption, private cannabis businesses, state-run monopoly, testimony
Ask your state senator to oppose changes to Florida’s democracy!
Alarming news! Tomorrow at 1:30 p.m., the Florida Senate Rules Committee will hear SJR 1412. If enacted, SJR 1412 would severely limit the rights of citizens to participate in democracy through the ballot initiative process! If the proposal becomes law, it will prevent a ballot measure on cannabis legalization.
SJR 1412 proposes a constitutional amendment limiting the scope of future citizen initiatives to only government structure or procedural subjects, effectively ending the citizen initiative process in Florida. Ballot initiatives are typically a last resort policy option when lawmakers refuse to act on the will of the people. Floridians were only able to obtain medical cannabis access through the ballot initiative process in 2016. And direct democracy is Florida’s best hope for adult-use cannabis legalization, given the legislature’s inaction.
SJR1412 and its counterpart, HJR 1127, are the latest in a string of bills to radically change the citizen initiative process. In 2019 and 2020, legislators passed two laws making the citizen initiative process more cumbersome. In 2021, lawmakers passed a bill to cap donations Floridians can give to ballot initiative campaigns they support. That’s why it's critically important to stop SJR 1412 dead in its tracks.
We’re urging everyone to contact their state senator and tell them to preserve the constitutional rights of Florida voters. After you do, please consider urging a friend or family member to do the same.
ballot initiative campaigns, ballot initiative process, ballot initiatives, cannabis legalization, citizen initiative process, citizens, constitutional amendment, democracy, donations, FL, Florida, Florida Senate Rules Committee, government structure, HJR 1127, medical cannabis, procedural subjects, SJR 1412
Today, the House of Delegates approved a pair of bills that would allow voters to decide whether to legalize cannabis for adults’ use in November 2022. This historic vote marks the first time either chamber in Maryland’s legislature has voted on a bill that would legalize cannabis.
HB 1, the bill to refer the question of cannabis legalization for adults’ use to Maryland voters on the November 2022 ballot, passed the House in a vote of 96-34. HB 837, the companion bill that would be contingent on voter approval of HB 1, passed the House in a vote of 92-37.
HB 837 includes details for initial steps of cannabis legalization, such as possession limits, limited expungement, and funding for minority- and women-owned businesses. It does not set up a licensing or regulatory system, and simple possession and limited home cultivation would not become legal until July 2023. You can check out our summary of HB 837 here.
Meanwhile, the Senate is set to begin taking up their own bills to legalize and regulate cannabis for adults next week. The Senate Finance Committee will hold a hearing for Sen. Jill Carter’s SB 692 and Sen. Brian Feldman’s SB 833 on Thursday, March 3 at 1 p.m.
The hearing will be held in person and streamed live on YouTube. To provide written and/or oral testimony at the hearing, you must sign up using an MGA account. A tutorial on how to do so is available here. All oral testimony is limited to two minutes.
In addition to legalizing simple possession and home cultivation, both Senate bills would also establish a regulatory framework for an equitable adult-use market—which is not included in the House package. You can check out our summary of SB 692 here, and a summary of SB 833 here. Our feedback on SB 833 is available here.
Thank you to everyone who advocated to improve the House bills and to achieve today’s historic milestone! Next stop is the Senate. Please consider testifying at the Senate Finance hearing next week in support of equitable legalization without delay and reach out to your senators ahead of the hearing.
Together, we can end prohibition in the Free State!
cannabis legalization, companion bill, equitable adult-use market, equitable legalization, expungement, Free State, HB 1, HB 837, hearing, home cultivation, House of Delegates, Maryland, MD, milestone, SB 692, SB 833, Sen. Brian Feldman, Sen. Jill Carter, simple possession, voter referral