When the Delaware Legislature’s 2017 session begins on January 10, reformers expect lawmakers to take a serious look at ending cannabis prohibition. In order to move this important issue forward, we need to grow our team of effective advocates. That’s where you come in!

Please join the Marijuana Policy Project on Saturday, Dec. 10, from 1 – 5 p.m. at the Wilmington Public Library for an activist training to sharpen your citizen lobbying skills! RSVPs are not required, but they are appreciated — you can do so here.
We have lots to talk about, including the contents of the proposed legislation and how the legislative process works. We will also discuss messaging and offer tips on communicating with your lawmakers. Come and sharpen your skills as an organizer.
The library is located in downtown Wilmington. Please join us this Saturday at:
Wilmington Public Library
DuPont Room (Second Floor)
10 E 10th Street
Wilmington, DE 19801