
Del. House of Representatives passes bill to legalize cannabis possession!

May 05, 2022

adult-use sales, cannabis legalization, cannabis possession, comprehensive legalization bill, DE, Delaware, Delaware House, Delaware Senate, equity, HB 305, HB 371, HB 372, House Appropriations Committee, legal access, public health, public safety, regulated cannabis, regulatory framework, supermajority, taxes and fees

Del. House of Representatives passes bill to legalize cannabis possession!

Contact your senator today and ask them to support HB 371!

Big news! Today, for the first time, the Delaware House of Representatives approved (26-14) a bill – HB 371 – that would legalize possession of up to one ounce of cannabis for adults! 

HB 371 now heads to the Senate for consideration. Please email your senator today and urge them to support and pass HB 371 this year!

By passing HB 371 this year, Delaware will save thousands of residents from police interactions and citations for simple cannabis possession. This is particularly important as adult-use sales begin in neighboring New Jersey.

Notably, HB 371 does not set up a regulatory framework for adult-use sales. Those details are addressed in separate legislation, HB 372, which is awaiting consideration by the House Appropriations Committee.

Unless the legislature also passes HB 372, adults will still have no legal access to regulated cannabis in Delaware. For equity, public health, and public safety, it’s important that HB 372 also passes this year. Because HB 372 has taxes and fees, it will need a supermajority (25 votes) to pass the House. As you may recall, a comprehensive legalization bill, HB 305, fell just two votes short of the needed 25 votes to pass earlier this year.

It’s important your lawmakers hear from you. Help make sure HB 372 crosses the finish line this year by urging your representative to vote YES!

Thank you to the lawmakers, advocates, and residents across the state who helped achieve today’s historic victory. Stay tuned for future updates!