
Del.: House committee approves legalization bill!

Mar 24, 2021

cannabis legalization, cannabis regulation, cannabis-related arrests, DE, Delaware, end prohibition, First State, HB 150, House Appropriations Committee, House Health and Human Development Committee, law enforcement resources, legalization, new revenue source, police interactions, Tax and Regulate, three-fifths supermajority

Del.: House committee approves legalization bill!

Ask your lawmakers to support HB 150!

Today, Delaware’s House Health and Human Development Committee voted 10-5 in favor of HB 150, a bill to legalize, tax, and regulate cannabis for adults 21 and older. It now moves to the House Appropriations Committee before heading to the House floor.

The bill will need a three-fifths supermajority (25 votes) to pass the House, so it’s very important your representatives hear from you.

You can check out our full summary of the bill here.

By passing HB 150 this year, Delaware can reduce the number of cannabis-related arrests and police interactions, free up law enforcement resources to focus on more serious crimes, and generate a new revenue source for the state.

Ask your state rep to stand with 61 percent of Delawareans and vote YES on HB 150! After you contact your representative, forward this message to your networks in Delaware — or share the action link on social media — and encourage them to do the same.

Together, we can end prohibition in the First State!