Jul 18, 2013
Colorado, drugfree.org, Partnership for a Drug Free America, Steve Pasierb, Washington
The Partnership at Drugfree.org, formerly known as the Partnership for a Drug-Free America, released a comprehensive survey yesterday of parents’ feelings on marijuana policy reform. Although the organization coordinates with the federal government to stem marijuana use and reinforce prohibitionist laws, the survey, “Marijuana: It’s Legal, Now What?,” presents an objective look at what parents really want to see from lawmakers.
The survey found that roughly 70% of adults nationwide support medical marijuana, 50% support decriminalization, and just over 40% support legalization. When the terms were accompanied by definitions of what they would entail, support jumped by three to 11 percent. Support for each of these policy changes was even higher among parents living in Colorado and Washington. The survey also found that a majority of parents who support legalization want marijuana heavily regulated and off-limits for kids and teens, a sentiment shared by reformers and included in every major piece of legislation designed to end marijuana prohibition.
[caption id="attachment_6759" align="alignright" width="118"] Steve Pasierb - drug warrior[/caption]
Most importantly, though, is the organization’s admission that there is widespread support for marijuana reform. Steve Pasierb, president and CEO of the Partnership, said, “The reality is that marijuana is now legalized for recreational use in the states of Colorado and Washington and it’s clear that society’s views on marijuana are evolving dramatically.” Even prohibitionists, who have spent decades fighting against sensible marijuana policies, realize that Americans are tired of the war on marijuana users. Now, they should stop standing in the way of policy reform.