
Have You Tweeted Your Member Of Congress?

Oct 08, 2009

Congress, Mexico, Twitter

As a result of the media attention that the social networking site Twitter has been receiving, many members of Congress have become active tweeters, some updating and reading their pages personally. This means that we have a new forum to interact with our representatives in Washington, D.C., one that's quick, easy, and increasingly effective.

If you use Twitter, please send a tweet asking your member of Congress to end marijuana prohibition today. In keeping with Twitter's real-time nature, we’re asking you to tweet about this great article from The Washington Post and tie it to your support for ending marijuana prohibition. Please see the message and steps below for help.

Step 1: Sign in to Twitter.

Step 2: Visit After you enter your zip code, the site will display your member of Congress’s Twitter account. (Note that some members don’t have accounts. If this is the case, allows you to petition them to join.)

Step 3: Post a Twitter message that “mentions” your member’s account. You can do this by beginning your tweet with “@[your member's account]” with out the quotes. For example, Congressman Jim Moran would be “@Jim_Moran” with out the quotes. Do this, and your message will appear on your legislator's Twitter page.

Sample Message:

@[your member's account] Read (WaPo). Legal marijuana will cut cartel violence where law enforcement has failed.

Just copy and paste the above into Twitter and customize it with your member of Congress’s account name.

Please also also follow MPP on Twitter at