
South Carolina medical marijuana bill heads to the Senate floor!!

Mar 31, 2021

compassion, crossover deadline, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, patients, phone bank, S.C. Compassionate Care Act, SC, South Carolina, South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Committee, veterans, volunteer

South Carolina medical marijuana bill heads to the Senate floor!!

Email and call your state senator today to let them know it’s time to legalize medical marijuana!

“The medicine that saves my life every day is illegal in South Carolina. I am asking my fellow South Carolinians, please support your veterans by asking your legislators to support compassionate legislation to bring this relief to everyone who needs it.”
— J., a female South Carolina veteran with PTSD and a severely painful kidney condition that medical cannabis has dramatically helped

Earlier today, the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Committee advanced the S.C. Compassionate Care Act in a 9-5 vote! After six long years of advocacy from patients and their loved ones, the S.C. Compassionate Care Act could get a Senate floor vote next week.

That’s where you come in …

We need all hands on deck to get this life-saving bill out of the Senate before the “crossover” deadline late next week. Here’s what you can do:

1. Send your state legislators an email asking them to stand up for patients.

2. Follow up with a polite call to your state senator.

3. Spread the word on social media, including by posting this action link.

4. Volunteer to phone bank from your own home. We’ll provide training and talking points on Friday, April 2 at 2:00 p.m.

Thank you for your compassion! Now, let’s get moving.