
S.C. Senate votes to approve Compassionate Care Act on second reading!

Feb 09, 2022

debate, doctors, final passage, medical cannabis, medical cannabis bill, medical freedom, Medical Marijuana, patients, S. 150, SC, second reading, Sen. Tom Davis, Senate floor vote, South Carolina, South Carolina Compassionate Care Act, South Carolina Senate, The Compassionate Care Act, third reading

S.C. Senate votes to approve Compassionate Care Act on second reading!

Let your senators know what you think of their votes on medical cannabis!

After seven long years, Sen. Tom Davis’ medical cannabis bill, S. 150 — The Compassionate Care Act — got its first vote (28-15) in the Senate on second reading today! A final Senate vote (“third reading”) could happen as soon as tomorrow. You can thank your senator for their YES vote or ask them to change their NO vote to a YES for final passage.

Our automated system will load the appropriate, editable letter after you type in your address — with a “thank you” letter for YES votes and a “please reconsider" note for NO votes.

This legislation has been a long time coming. It has only made it this far due to the diligence and tenacity of Sen. Davis and people like yourself who have raised your voice in support and emailed your legislators about the importance of the bill to the seriously ill and debilitated patients of South Carolina.

You can read our summary of the bill here. And you can watch the debate — which resumes at 11 a.m. tomorrow — here.

Together, we can make a medical cannabis program a reality in South Carolina. Please have your friends and family around South Carolina let their voices be heard! It is up to us to show S.C. senators that we want the freedom this bill gives patients and doctors to make their own medical decisions.