
S.C. Lobby Day next Wednesday, as medical cannabis bill advances

Mar 29, 2019

Columbia, Compassionate SC, Compassionate South Carolina, H. 3660, Lobby Day, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, S. 366, SC, South Carolina, South Carolina Compassionate Care Act

S.C. Lobby Day next Wednesday, as medical cannabis bill advances

If you live in S.C., click here to send a message to your lawmakers in support of the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act.

Our allies at Compassionate South Carolina are hosting a Lobby Day in Columbia on Wednesday, April 3 to make the case for a medical cannabis program directly with lawmakers. This event can have a huge impact at an important time — a key deadline is just one week later. If you are a patient, loved one, veteran, or medical professional, please consider attending!

Meanwhile, please click here to send a message to your senator and representative in support of the South Carolina Compassionate Care Act — S. 366/ H. 3660.

Lobby Day enables those who support allowing medical cannabis to meet with their own senator and representative and talk about this important bill. Supporters will meet up, talk about the measure and get tips for talking with lawmakers, and make visits at the State House. For more information on the event, click here.

S. 366 emerged from the Senate subcommittee that was reviewing it and will be considered by the full Senate Medical Affairs Committee next Thursday. We want the committee to support the bill, vote "yes," and send it to the floor of the Senate for a vote. A summary of the bill is available here. You can find some key points in support of it here.

Let's keep the pressure up. If you haven't done so already, please send an email message to your state representative and senator in support. You can do that by clicking this link and forwarding a message today. Then, please pass this on to your networks so that they, too, can speak out for compassion.