
New Hampshire: Let your state senator know it’s past time to legalize cannabis!

May 15, 2024

legalization, New Hampshire

New Hampshire: Let your state senator know it’s past time to legalize cannabis!

Ask your senator to improve and pass the legalization bill

Today and tomorrow, the New Hampshire Senate will be voting on a long list of bills, including cannabis legalization (HB 1633), annulment + resentencing (HB 1539), and legalizing home cultivation for therapeutic cannabis (HB 1231)!

Ask your state senator to make this the year NH stops being an island of prohibition.

For the first time ever, the Senate Judiciary Committee approved a legalization bill last week. Before doing so, it passed an amendment that includes changes that are essential to getting past the governor.

Unfortunately, the amendment also includes revisions that were not demanded by the governor and that make the bill worse. It removes language prioritizing ATCs that have been operating in compliance with New Hampshire law and serving patients, while adding language that grants licenses based on experience operating out-of-state cannabis companies. It would make it all-but impossible for Granite State farmers, shop owners, and others who haven't run cannabis companies to enter the new industry.

The full Senate is expected to vote tomorrow on the House-passed legalization bill, the Senate Judiciary amendment, and probably both good and bad amendments — including poison pills like capping THC unreasonably low. If the Senate passes HB 1633, it will likely go to a second Senate committee and then have a second Senate floor vote before returning to the House to concur or nonconcur.

This may be the last window to legalize cannabis in New Hampshire for years. Gov. Chris Sununu is not running for re-election and leading Republican candidates Kelly Ayotte and Chuck Morse are prohibitionists. It's crucial that HB 1633 gets through the Senate. But it's also important your senator hears you want them to make the bill better first.

Write your senator today to ask them to support legalization, but to give New Hampshire small businesses a fair shot at licensing.

In addition to legalization, the Senate agenda includes other bills to advance cannabis justice and freedom:

  • HB 1539, an MPP-backed bill which would annul cannabis convictions and create a process for re-sentencing cannabis offenders if doing so is in the interests of justice.
  • HB 1278, which allows prescribers to certify adult patients for therapeutic cannabis for any debilitating medical condition.
  • HB 1231, which allows qualifying patients and designated caregivers to cultivate therapeutic cannabis.
  • HB 82, which codifies employment protections for therapeutic cannabis patients.

Consider calling your senator in support of one or all of these important bills. Make your voice heard! And stay tuned for updates.