Mar 24, 2025
Compassionate Use Program, Texas
Texas has an extremely limited, low-THC medical cannabis program, the Texas Compassionate Use Program (“TCUP”). It is so restrictive that MPP does not count Texas as a “medical cannabis state.” Sen. Charles Perry (R) sponsored SB1505, which would improve the program by:
If you live in Texas, ask your legislators to support the expansion of TCUP!
The Lt. Governor and his allies in the legislature are attempting to ban federally legal hemp-derived THC products. Whether they succeed or not, there is a moral imperative to expand the TCUP program. Too many Texans have had to rely on an under-regulated hemp program for relief from debilitating conditions. They deserve safe, regulated access through a comprehensive medical cannabis program. SB1505 is a relatively small step forward toward that goal, but it is progress.