
Montana: Back door repeal bill defeated... for now

Mar 04, 2025

Montana, repeal, THC cap

Good news! The Montana Senate Business, Labor, and Economic Affairs Committee tabled the repeal-in-disguise bill, SB 443. SB 443 would ban cannabis that consumers actually want to buy — anything with over 15% THC.

Bill sponsor Sen. Greg Hertz (R) then proposed blasting the terrible bill from committee. The full Senate voted his motion down 23-27. (A 28th senator intended to vote to kill the bill, but accidentally hit the wrong button.)

While we're relieved by the outcome, it was still too close for comfort. Prohibitionists will likely continue to attempt to find a path to undermine the will of the people. It's important that senators who voted against SB 443 hear from thankful constituents and that those who voted for backdoor repeal hear voters' disappointment.

If you live in Montana, look up your state senator by typing in your address here, then see how they voted, here. Then, please give your senator a call or shoot them an email to let them know how you feel about their vote. 

Meanwhile, it appears that Sen. Hertz has abandoned his other outrageous bill, SB 255, requiring all adult-use cannabis consumers to pay $200 each year to register and be tracked by the government. It was initally scheduled for a hearing, but was later removed from the schedule.

Thank you to everyone who raised your voices to help beat back these proposals that would take Montana back to the dark days of prohibition!