
Florida: Support expunging minor marijuana convictions!

Mar 10, 2025

cannabis-related convictions, expungement, Florida

Florida has the opportunity this legislative session to stop destroying lives over old cannabis possession charges. This is a much-needed step in the right direction for Florida to stop closing the door of opportunity for people who have already served time, and/or have paid the fine for their past minor charges.

If you live in Florida, take action now and tell legislators you want to see expungement for Floridian's minor cannabis charges!

Senate Bill 1026 would allow individuals to have their records expunged for possessing two ounces or less. It would also require the Department of Law Enforcement to notify those eligible for expungement without charging a fee. If passed, the law would be set to take effect on July 1, 2025.

Meanwhile, S1028 provides a comprehensive framework for the handling of cannabis expungements. It would make records of past convictions confidential.

A cannabis conviction can haunt a person for the rest of their life. It can disqualify a person for jobs, housing, educational loans, security clearances, and professional licenses. This stymies a person's ability to better themselves. The consequences simply do not match the severity of the violation. Ruining lives over cannabis is particularly outrageous given that most Florida voters want it to be legal.

The inequitable nature of enforcement of cannabis prohibition, highlighted in our 2022 report, reinforces the need to give people the opportunity to clear their criminal record and continue a productive life. These pieces of legislation, if enacted, would achieve this goal.

Florida is the Sunshine State and these bills will create the best disinfectant to the stain that a cannabis charge can leave on a person's record.