At 2:00 p.m. ET this afternoon, the Yes We Cannabis RI Coalition will kick off the first in a series of three online educational panels focused on cannabis legalization and social equity. Today’s event, titled “Seeds of Hope: Repairing the Harm,” will feature a discussion about automatic record clearance for past cannabis offenses and other reforms to the criminal legal system. The event will be moderated by Cherie Cruz of the Formerly Incarcerated Union of Rhode Island. Panelists include:

• Steven Brown – American Civil Liberties Union of Rhode Island
• Juan Cuthbert – Directly impacted leader
• Evan Rosin-Pritchard – Former community liaison for the RI Public Defender
• Carly Wolf – National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers
The online panel series will be streamed live on the Yes We Cannabis RI Facebook page, with recordings available afterwards. There will be an open question and answer session after each discussion with questions from the online audience (submitted to the Facebook page).
Other upcoming online panels hosted by Yes We Cannabis include:
Monday, March 14 at 4:00 p.m. ET — “Seeds of Hope: Remembering the Patients”
• Patient advocates will discuss how Rhode Island can protect those who need cannabis for medical reasons and ensure they are not left behind as the state moves forward with legalizing, regulating, and taxing adult-use cannabis.
Monday, March 21 (time TBD) — “Seeds of Hope: Building an Inclusive Industry”
• Legalization laws passed in other states have included policies to create a diverse and inclusive cannabis industry — but the results have been disappointing. Advocates will discuss lessons learned and how Rhode Island can be a leader in establishing a more equitable cannabis economy.
Get informed about equitable cannabis policies so that you can be an effective advocate!
If you miss any of the online events, you can watch a recording on the Yes We Cannabis RI Facebook page!