
We must defend the will of the voters in South Dakota

Dec 10, 2020

Amendment A, attorneys, ballot initiative, campaign, constitutional ballot measure, Election Day, lawsuit, legal defense fund, legal experts, legalization, marijuana legalization policy, opponents, SD, SDBML, single subject rule, South Dakota, South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws

We must defend the will of the voters in South Dakota

Support the legal battle to defend Amendment A.

Last month, South Dakotans approved a constitutional ballot measure, Amendment A, to legalize marijuana for adults 21 and older by a significant margin (54% to 46%). South Dakota also approved medical marijuana, making history as the first state to enact both policies on the same day. MPP played a major role in running the campaign.

Now, after losing at the ballot box, opponents in South Dakota have filed a lawsuit to overturn Amendment A. They argue that Amendment A violates the state’s single subject rule and “revises” South Dakota’s Constitution rather than amending it. Though both assertions are false, we have to take this lawsuit seriously. MPP is working closely with South Dakotans for Better Marijuana Laws (SDBML) to defeat this attempt to overturn the will of the people and undermine South Dakotans’ ballot initiative process.

We have an experienced team of attorneys and legal experts working to defend Amendment A, but the legal bills are quickly mounting.

Can you donate $10, $50, or $100 to the SDBML legal defense fund to stop our opponents from overturning a hard-fought legalization victory?

SDBML has already raised over $11,000 from small dollar donors since the lawsuit was filed on November 20. Please help us add to that total.

MPP was instrumental in passing Amendment A, and we will do whatever it takes to ensure that South Dakotans are able to move forward with implementing the marijuana legalization policy that they approved on Election Day.

Please help us win this fight.

Thank you.