Feb 17, 2022
cannabis distribution, cannabis legalization, cannabis sales, federal conflict, federal law, HB 1596, home cultivation, legalization bill, Matt Simon, New Hampshire, NH, NH House of Representatives, NH Senate, op-ed, poison pill, private cannabis businesses, state-run monopoly, unworkable
Ask your state legislators to advocate to amend HB 1598.
Yesterday, the N.H. House of Representatives voted 235-119 to pass HB 1598, which would legalize cannabis for adults 21 and older and create a state-run monopoly to sell cannabis. It would not allow home cultivation. The bill was referred to the House Finance Committee and will get another House floor vote before heading to the Senate.
Unfortunately, HB 1598 is simply not workable due to federal law. States can license and regulate private cannabis businesses, but they cannot direct their own workers to break federal law by selling cannabis. Doing so creates a “direct and positive conflict” and is preempted.
Please let your state legislators know there’s a better way to legalize — the approach all 18 states have taken. Then, spread the word to others in New Hampshire.
You can also check out former MPP New England Political Director Matt Simon’s op-ed raising other concerns about a state monopoly on cannabis distribution.