
Md.: Let your lawmakers know you want them to end prohibition in 2020!

Oct 22, 2019

2020, cannabis regulation, late House Speaker Michael Busch, legalization, legislative work group, Maryland, Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition, MD, meeting, Senate President Mike Miller, Tax and Regulate

Md.: Let your lawmakers know you want them to end prohibition in 2020!

Please ask your legislators to support legalizing, taxing, and regulating marijuana for adults 21 and older!

At the beginning of the 2019 legislative session, Senate President Mike Miller and the late House Speaker Michael Busch created a legislative work group to study how to best implement the legalization of marijuana.

The workgroup is supposed to issue its report by the end of the year, but its work is progressing slower than anticipated. The workgroup has held a few meetings in the summer and fall. Its next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 13.

We need to keep the pressure up to make sure legislators know voters want them to put an end to the disastrous policy of cannabis prohibition in 2020. Here's how you can get involved:

  1. Schedule a meeting with your legislators and let them know you want them to legalize, tax, and regulate cannabis for adult use in 2020. You can find out who represents you by clicking here. If you set up a meeting with your legislator(s), let us know by emailing We can provide you with tips and background materials. Please also let us know how it went after.

  2. Email your legislators today and ask them to support legislation to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana for adults 21 and older.

  3. Write a 150-250 word letter-to-the-editor of a local or statewide paper, calling on the legislature to legalize and regulate cannabis in 2020. You can draw from points here.

  4. Encourage your friends and family in Maryland to contact and meet with their legislators. Forward this message to them, and share the action link on social media.

It is important legislators hear from as many of their constituents as possible. Supporters like you can help us send a strong message to the General Assembly to end cannabis prohibition in 2020!