
Md.: Help us get legalization across the finish line this spring!

Mar 02, 2021

cannabis legalization, cannabis regulation, District of Columbia, end prohibition, HB 32, Maryland, Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition, MD, priority, SB 708, Tax and Regulate, Virginia

Md.: Help us get legalization across the finish line this spring!

Take a minute to email your lawmakers and urge them to make legalization a priority this legislative session.

This past weekend, the Virginia Legislature sent a legalization bill to their governor. D.C. legalized personal possession and cultivation back in 2014, and proposals to regulate and tax cannabis sales in the District were also introduced this week.

It’s time for the Maryland General Assembly to meet the moment and follow suit. But we need your help. Can you take a minute to email your lawmakers and ask that they prioritize legalization THIS SESSION?

If Maryland does not move forward with legalization this year, people will continue to be needlessly arrested and criminalized, consumers will only have access to the unregulated and dangerous illicit market, and the state will miss out on generating hundreds millions of dollars in tax revenue.

It’s important that your lawmakers hear from you that you want them to move forward with legalization this year.

After you write your lawmakers, please share this action on social media to help us spread the word, then forward this message to your friends and family in Maryland and encourage them to do the same.

Together, we can end prohibition in 2021!