
House of Representatives plans December vote on ending cannabis prohibition

Nov 18, 2020

cannabis prohibition, Congress, Controlled Substances Act, criminal penalties, expungement, Federal, federal law, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, House of Representatives, MORE Act, Senate, vote

House of Representatives plans December vote on ending cannabis prohibition

Click here to ask your member of the House to vote “yes” on the MORE Act.

Leadership in the House of Representatives recently announced plans to vote on the MORE Act in December. As we’ve reported, this will mark the first time the House has voted to end cannabis prohibition, and the measure takes other major steps toward cannabis policy reform.

This is big, and now is the time to reach out to your member of Congress. Follow this link to send a quick message asking your Representative to vote yes on the MORE Act when it is called for a vote.

In effect, the MORE Act would end the war on cannabis at the federal level by removing it from the Controlled Substances Act and ending criminal penalties under federal law. It would also take steps to reduce the harm from years of failed cannabis laws by expunging criminal histories related to marijuana and prohibiting discrimination against individuals on the basis of their cannabis use. We have a summary of many of the key provisions here.

House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, who made the announcement, is making good on leadership’s commitment to hold a vote on the landmark bill, which was originally scheduled before the election. If the measure passes in the House, it will move to the Senate.

Please take a moment to make sure your House member knows of your support and ask for a “yes” vote on the MORE Act!