
CNN Poll Shows Majority Support for Making Marijuana Legal

Jan 07, 2014

Cable News Network, CNN, Colorado, Mason Tvert, Republicans

On Monday, CNN released a new poll showing 55% of Americans support making marijuana legal. Only 44% were opposed.

According to the CNN poll and numbers from General Social Survey polling, support for legalizing marijuana has steadily soared over the past quarter century - from 16% in 1987 to 26% in 1996, 34% in 2002, and 43% two years ago.

The survey found interesting divides on the issue.

"There are big differences on age, region, party ID, and gender, with senior citizens, Republicans, and Southerners the only major demographic groups who still oppose the legal use of pot," said CNN Polling Director Keating Holland.

This increase in public support will no doubt affect legislation across the country in the coming years. Here is MPP’s Mason Tvert on CNN discussing how legal adult marijuana sales in Colorado may act as a catalyst for reforms in many other states: