
Md.: Automatic expungement bill introduced; hearing next week!

Jan 22, 2020

Annapolis, automatic expungement, collateral consequences, conviction records, Del. David Moon, HB 38, hearing, Lobby Day, marijuana possession convictions, Maryland, Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition, Maryland House Judiciary Committee, MD, people of color, testimony

Md.: Automatic expungement bill introduced; hearing next week!

Show support for HB 83 and other cannabis policy reform efforts in 2020 by joining us for our annual lobby day on Tuesday, February 4 (8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) in Annapolis! Register to join us here.

A bill — HB 83 — has been introduced by Delegate David Moon (D) to provide for automatic expungement of marijuana possession convictions.

The House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing for the bill on Tuesday, January 28 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 101 of the House Office Building — located at 6 Bladen Street in Annapolis. Note that other bills are also scheduled during this committee meeting, so there could be a significant wait before the bill is called.

You can voice your support at the hearing by providing written and/or oral testimony. We particularly encourage testimony from those who have been personally impacted by a marijuana possession conviction.

You can find guidelines on providing testimony here. If you provide oral testimony, you will be limited to three minutes. Please be polite and respectful and dress in business or business casual attire.

HB 83 is an important and just reform that will allow those branded with a marijuana possession conviction to move on with their lives without suffering the harsh collateral consequences a conviction carries.

Conviction records make it more difficult to obtain housing, a job, and a college education. Discriminatory enforcement of marijuana laws means these collateral consequences disproportionately affect people of color.

Please consider showing your support for HB 83 at next week’s hearing, and help spread the word by forwarding this message to your friends and family in Maryland.