
Texas: Limited medical cannabis expansion sent to Gov. Abbott’s desk!

Jun 02, 2021

cancer, decrim, decriminalization, effective medical cannabis program, Gov. Greg Abbott, HB 1535, HB 441, jail time, limited medical cannabis law, Lone Star State, modest improvement, modest reform, PTSD, sign, Texas, THC, TX

Texas: Limited medical cannabis expansion sent to Gov. Abbott’s desk!

Call Gov. Abbott today and ask him to sign HB 1535 into law!

Texas’ 2021 legislative session adjourned on Monday, May 31. Although several cannabis reform bills were introduced this year, only one very modest reform — HB 1535 — was approved by the legislature. The bill now heads to Governor Greg Abbott’s desk for action.

Call the governor’s office today and ask that he sign HB 1535 into law!

The bill would expand the state’s low-THC medical cannabis program to include people with cancer and PTSD. It would also modestly increase the current 0.5% THC cap on medical cannabis to 1%.

Sadly, the Senate did not take up a bill — HB 441 — that would have eliminated the threat of jail time for up to one ounce of cannabis. Let your lawmakers know you want them to decriminalize cannabis during the next legislative session!

While HB 1535 is a modest improvement, there is still a great deal of work to be done to establish an effective medical cannabis program for patients across the Lone Star State.

After you call the governor and ask him to sign HB 1535 into law, please also reach out to your lawmakers to ask them to establish an effective medical cannabis program and decriminalize cannabis when they return in 2023!