
New Jersey Makes Some Progress on Medical Marijuana

Jun 07, 2013

Compassionate Care Foundation, Greenleaf Compassion Center, New Jersey, Senate Judiciary Committee

On Thursday, the New Jersey Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill that would make it easier for minors suffering from debilitating illnesses to procure medical marijuana.

The bill eliminates the requirement of written confirmation from a pediatrician and a psychiatrist in order for juveniles to get medical marijuana. It also calls for medical marijuana to be produced in edible form and allows more strains to be made available.

[caption id="attachment_6559" align="alignright" width="119"]William J. Thomas CCFNJ Compassionate Care Foundation CEO William J. Thomas[/caption]

Also out of New Jersey, the state’s Health Department issued a permit for the second medical marijuana dispensary to begin growing its first crop. Compassionate Care Foundation Inc. will now join Greenleaf Compassion Center in bringing relief to the nearly 1,000 patients that have registered for the state’s medical marijuana program.