
New Hampshire Senate Approves Flawed But Fixable Medical Marijuana Bill

May 29, 2013

affirmative defense, HB 573, home cultivation, House, Maggie Hassan, New Hampshire, Senate

The New Hampshire Senate voted 18-6 last week to pass HB 573 and send it back to the House. Unfortunately, after hearing a number of objections from Gov. Maggie Hassan, the Senate had little choice but to amend the bill in ways that will be bad for patients. The Senate removed home cultivation from the bill, gutted the affirmative defense provisions that would have immediately given patients a defense they could raise in court, and adopted other changes that are detailed here (some of which would actually render the bill unworkable if not corrected).

[caption id="attachment_6484" align="alignright" width="210"]Hassan Gov. Hassan[/caption]

The bill will now return to the House, which we expect will disapprove of the Senate’s amendments. This means a “committee of conference” will be formed, in which a special committee of representatives and senators will work to agree on a final version of the bill that will move forward to the governor’s desk.

Gov. Hassan has been quoted saying she is still open to listening and learning more, so if you are a New Hampshire resident, please call Gov. Hassan's office and politely urge her to reconsider her insistence on these provisions that will harm patients!