
Nebraska campaign submits signatures to put medical cannabis on the ballot

Jul 06, 2020

ballot initiative, compassion, contribute, donate, Gov. Pete Ricketts, medical cannabis, medical cannabis law, Medical Marijuana, NE, Nebraska, Nebraska patients, Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana, November 2020 ballot, opposition, patients, secretary of state, signature collection, signature drive, signatures

Nebraska campaign submits signatures to put medical cannabis on the ballot

Exciting news! Last Thursday, Nebraskans for Medical Marijuana submitted over 182,000 signatures to the Secretary of State in support of their initiative to legalize medical cannabis for patients with serious health conditions. The campaign needs roughly 121,000 valid signatures to qualify for the November ballot.

Donate now to support the medical cannabis campaign in Nebraska!

Since last year, the Nebraska team recruited hundreds of volunteers who gathered over 33,000 signatures — including 14,000 collected in just the last two and a half weeks. MPP staff played a central role in the effort and contacted over 35,000 voters to ask them to sign in the final days of the signature drive!

We’re confident the campaign collected enough signatures to qualify the initiative for the ballot, but we expect a well-funded opposition effort to emerge, led by politicians like Gov. Pete Ricketts. Patients and families in Nebraska need our help:

Can you contribute $25, $50, or $100 to help support families and patients in Nebraska?

Let’s make sure the Nebraska team has what they need to see this through and pass a compassionate medical cannabis law in November.