
MS Patient Who Grew Marijuana Found Guilty, Faces 5 to 10 Years

Dec 18, 2009

multiple sclerosis, New Jersey, trial

John Wilson, the New Jersey man who had been charged with operating a drug manufacturing facility for the marijuana he grew to treat his multiple sclerosis, was found guilty yesterday of two lesser charges, and now faces five to 10 years in prison.

Throughout most of his trial, Wilson had been prevented from mentioning his condition, any evidence of marijuana’s therapeutic value, or the fact that New Jersey may be weeks away from becoming the 14th state to pass a medical marijuana law.

In a small victory, Wilson was found not guilty of the most serious charge (operating a drug manufacturing facility) perhaps in part because he was finally allowed to mention his disease before the jury in the trial’s closing days. Regardless, this 37-year-old with a debilitating disease is now facing the possibility of spending the next decade of his life behind bars, simply for trying to relieve his symptoms with “one of the safest therapeutically active substances known to man.”

When will the insanity stop?