
‘Compassion on Trial’ in Case of New Jersey MS Patient

Dec 10, 2009

multiple sclerosis, New Jersey, victim

One of the more outrageous and gut-wrenching trials involving marijuana in recent memory is taking place right now in New Jersey. Somerville resident John Wilson, who suffers from multiple sclerosis and treats himself with marijuana he grows, is being charged with operating a drug manufacturing facility, even though there is no evidence to show that Wilson supplied marijuana to anyone but himself.

Edward R. Hannaman, a board member of Coalition for Medical Marijuana New Jersey, describes this horrendous injustice as such:

“Outrageously, but understandably, the prosecution desperately wants jurors to be denied all the truly relevant facts. It has fought to forbid Wilson from mentioning his disease, that marijuana has been proven to be an effective palliative for multiple sclerosis, that he was using it solely for that purpose, that 13 other states have legalized it for that purpose and that New Jersey is about to. All the jurors will be allowed to hear is evidence proving Wilson ‘manufactured’ marijuana. This is the type of injustice one is accustomed to seeing in a dictatorship -- not in America.”