
Arizona Medical Marijuana Vote Still Too Close To Call

Nov 04, 2010

Arizona, Arizona Medical Marijuana Policy Project, Proposition 203

Medical marijuana still has a chance of passing in Arizona, where as many as 300,000 votes on Proposition 203, the MPP-backed medical marijuana measure, have not yet been counted. It could be many days until we receive final word, but either way it will be close.

The following is from an email MPP executive director Rob Kampia sent last night to our supporters:

Based on the ballots tabulated by election officials last night, the initiative was trailing slightly, with 49.75% in favor, with 50.25% opposed ... a difference of less than 7,000 votes out of more than 1.3 million cast.

For the next few days, Arizona government officials will be counting an estimated 200,000 to 300,000 votes that were cast by people whose mail-in ballots arrived at polling stations or elections offices in the final hours of the campaign. They may also need to examine thousands of "provisional" ballots that were cast by people whose residency was in dispute at the polls on election day.

In sum, if our initiative receives 52% of the votes that have yet to be tabulated, our initiative passes.

If the measure ends up winning, it will allow patients suffering from cancer, AIDS, and other life-threatening conditions to use marijuana with a recommendation from their doctor. It would also authorize the opening of about 120 dispensaries across the state.

To help ensure victory in Arizona, please consider donating here.