Urge your lawmakers to support a comprehensive medical marijuana program!
On Friday, November 2, the board that oversees Iowa’s medical marijuana program voted unanimously against recommending legislators to remove the current 3% THC limit on products.
Additionally, the board voted to recommend that the state add autism to the list of qualifying conditions, but rejected expanding the program to add ADHD, PTSD, bipolar disorder, and ganglioglioma.
Unfortunately, Iowa’s low-THC approach leaves behind thousands of patients who could benefit from medical marijuana.
Check out our full summary of Iowa’ low-THC program here. Five dispensaries across the state will be open to registered patients on December 1. You can also find a wealth of information on medical marijuana here.
ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, ganglioglioma, IA, Iowa, low-THC, low-THC program, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, patients, PTSD, qualifying conditions, THC cap
Have you voted yet? If not, look up your polling location and make a plan to get there before 7 p.m. when the polls close!
Voting is one of the most important tools we have to change marijuana laws. Sitting out an election is a great way to ensure that failed prohibitionist policies remain in place.
Today Missourians have an opportunity to vote on not one, but three different medical marijuana initiatives. MPP encourages voters to say “YES” on Amendment 2, because it will enshrine a sensible and compassionate medical marijuana program in the state constitution, making it harder for state politicians to undermine it later.
Today, be one of the millions of Americans voicing their support for humane and rational marijuana policies through the ballot box. Grab a few friends and get out there and VOTE!
2018 election, Amendment 2, ballot initiative, Election 2018, Election Day 2018, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, medical marijuana initiatives, Missouri, MO, New Approach Missouri, vote, voting
Election Day is here. Have you voted yet?
If you haven’t, look up your polling location and go vote YES on Prop 2 right now!
Your vote matters! It’s important that Utah sends a message to the political establishment that there is strong support for a medical marijuana policy.
After you vote, if you’re near Salt Lake City, join the Utah Patients Coalition for their election night celebration! The event kicks off at 6:30 p.m. at the Infinity Event Center (26 East 600 South). You can register here with Facebook or here without it.
Patients and their families in Utah deserve a compassionate medical cannabis program. Please, don’t sit this one out. Go vote YES on Prop 2 and send the message that it’s time to move forward!
2018 election, ballot initiative, Election 2018, Election Day 2018, election night party, medical cannabis, Medical Cannabis Program, Medical Marijuana, Prop 2, Salt Lake City, UT, Utah, Utah Patients Coalition, YES on Prop 2
Election Day is finally here. For many months, the YES on 3 team has worked tirelessly to educate North Dakotans about the benefits of ending the wasteful and destructive policy of marijuana prohibition.
Now, all that’s left is to go out and VOTE! Look up polling locations here and set a time to go.
By passing Measure 3, North Dakota could send a powerful message about the strength of the legalization movement in this country. It all comes down to today. Be part of this historic reform effort and vote YES on Measure 3!
We’re eagerly waiting for the results to start coming in. Tonight could represent incredible progress for our movement. Go be part of it and vote!
2018 election, ballot initiative, Election 2018, Election Day 2018, legalization, Measure 3, ND, North Dakota, vote, voting, Yes on 3
Election Day is finally here. With the help of hundreds of volunteers and thousands of supporters across the state, the YES on 1 campaign has done all it can to educate the voters of Michigan about the benefits that Proposal 1 will bring to the state.
Now, all that’s left is to go out and VOTE! Find your polling location and set a time to go there today. Polls close at 8:00 pm ET tonight.
Having trouble finding your polling location? Please email us and we would be happy to help.
Michigan is poised to become the 10th state in the country to officially end the failed policy of marijuana prohibition. Be part of this historic reform effort and vote YES on Prop 1!
This has been a long campaign, stretching back for two years. Now is when we bring it over the finish line. VOTE TODAY!
2018 election, ballot initiative, Election 2018, Election Day, Election Day 2018, legalization, MI, Michigan, Prop 1, Proposal 1, Tax and Regulate, vote, voting, Yes on 1
If you haven’t voted yet, look up your polling place and check out our Election 2018 page and voter guides.
Over the years, our movement has made significant progress through the ballot box. This year will be no different. Be part of the wave of change today and go vote!
Voters are weighing in on adult-use legalization initiatives in Michigan and North Dakota and medical marijuana measures in Utah and Missouri. Some residents of Ohio and Wisconsin, too, have a chance to voice their support for local measures ending punitive marijuana policies. Go here for information about this year’s ballot questions.
Voters in states without marijuana-related ballot initiatives can play a huge role in changing marijuana laws, too.Visit MPP’s website to find out where candidates stand on marijuana policy in every gubernatorial race, along with in-depth state legislative voter guides for nine states. Roughly half the country lacks a ballot initiative process. The only way we can change marijuana laws in those states is to support thoughtful elected officials and oppose those who aren’t.
If you haven’t voted yet, make a plan right now. Look up your polling location and set a time to go. Spread the word on social media and urge your friends to vote, too!
There’s too much at stake to sit it out.
2018 election, ballot box, ballot initiatives, ballot questions, Election 2018, Election Day 2018, GOTV, gubernatorial candidates, legalization, marijuana policy, Medical Marijuana, Michigan, Missouri, North Dakota, Ohio, polling locations, Utah, vote, voter guides, voting
After you vote tomorrow, you are welcome to attend a marijuana legalization debate at New England College in Henniker!
Last week, New Hampshire’s study commission on marijuana legalization published its final report. The commission did not take a position on legalization, but it did make 54 recommendations to the legislature, including the following:
You can read the full report here. Overall, this is a much more useful report than we originally expected from the study commission, which was stacked with prohibitionists. Although it does contain some problematic language, the report will help to inform the legislature about the issue when it convenes in January.
We expect that your calendars are already marked for Election Day tomorrow. If you are available tomorrow evening after you vote, you’re welcome to join me and other panelists for a cannabis legalization debate at New England College.
WHAT: Debate: Should New Hampshire Legalize Cannabis?
WHERE: New England College, Simon Center Great Room, 98 Bridge Street, Henniker
WHEN: 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.
WHO: Six panelists including Richard Van Wickler, Superintendent of Cheshire County Department of Corrections, Kate Frey, vice-president of advocacy at New Futures, and MPP’s New England Political Director Matt Simon
Finally, please click here to learn where candidates on your ballot stand on marijuana policy! Then, please share this information with your family and friends and remind them to vote on November 6!
2018 election, debate, Election Day 2018, Henniker, Kate Frey, legalization, Matt Simon, New England College, New Hampshire, NH, Richard Van Wickler, Tax and Regulate, vote, voter guide, voting
Bringing legalization to the Midwest would be a game changer — support the YES on 1 campaign today
It’s incredible to see the progress we have made in recent years. Marijuana has been legalized for adults in nine states and Washington, D.C., and polls show two out of three Americans want to end the failed policy of prohibition.
But our opponents think they can stop our momentum — and they’re spending a lot of money to defeat Prop 1 in Michigan.
A win in Michigan would demonstrate the strength of our movement. But imagine the headlines if Prop 1 fails. Project SAM and their prohibitionist allies will claim that the tide is turning. Politicians in Congress would take note, and if they think voters are changing their mind, our reform efforts at the federal level could be jeopardized.
We have to prove the anti-legalization voices wrong. Make a donation to the YES on 1 campaign to help them fight back against their opposition’s fear tactics.
The Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol produced a series of powerful ads. These TV and digital ads tell the truth about legalization, and they are the perfect antidote to the opposition’s demonstrably false attack ads. Your contribution will go directly towards helping the campaign share these messages with more Michigan voters.
There’s not much time left. Election Day is just a few days away. We can’t emphasize enough how important Prop 1 is for the future of our legalization movement. Please, get in the fight and support the campaign today.
2018 election, ballot initiative, Coalition to Regulate Marijuana Like Alcohol, Election Day 2018, legalization, marijuana prohibition, MI, Michigan, Midwest, Project SAM, Prop 1, Proposal 1, Tax and Regulate, vote, voting, Yes on 1, YES on 1 campaign
Do you know where your candidates stand on marijuana policy?
Pennsylvania’s General Election Day is set for Tuesday, November 6. If you are registered to vote, find your polling location here, and please be sure to go cast your ballot!
Here’s a look at where gubernatorial candidates stand on marijuana policy: Gov. Tom Wolf (D), who signed the state’s medical marijuana legislation, is supportive of statewide decriminalization. He has said Pennsylvania is not yet ready to legalize and regulate marijuana for adults’ use. Scott Wagner (R) is opposed to legalization and regulation and believes marijuana is a gateway to other drugs.
You can find more information on Pennsylvania’s current marijuana policies here.
Please forward this message to your network in Pennsylvania, and don’t forget to get out and vote!
2018 election, Election Day 2018, Gov. Tom Wolf, gubernatorial candidates, legalization, marijuana policy, Medical Marijuana, PA, Pennsylvania, Scott Wagner, Tax and Regulate, vote, voting
For supporters of sensible marijuana policies, the choice for governor couldn’t be more clear.
Georgia’s general election is coming up on Tuesday, November 6, and there is national attention on Georgia’s choices for governor. Before you vote, we want to let you know about the stark differences between the candidates’ stances on marijuana policy reform.
Secretary of State Brian Kemp (R) opposes in-state cultivation of medical marijuana, even though thousands of medical cannabis patients in Georgia lack reasonable access to the low-THC oils they are allowed to possess. Kemp would perpetuate the harmful contradiction in the state program, treating seriously ill patients like second class citizens. Turning to adult-use, his website says he “is not in the camp of being pro-recreational marijuana.” MPP gives Brian Kemp an F for failing the state’s most vulnerable citizens.
Stacey Abrams, former House minority leader, has been clear in her support improving state cannabis laws. Not only does she support in-state cultivation and oversight in a well-regulated program, she also supports removing criminal penalties for possession as Atlanta did last year, and will even consider ending marijuana prohibition once the other reforms are made. In stark contrast to her opponent, MPP rates Stacey Abrams with an A for the support she offers for sensible cannabis policy.
You can find a summary of Georgia’s current low-THC law, Haleigh’s Hope Act, here.
For more information on early voting and Election Day voting, including where you can cast your ballot and when voting locations will be open, check out the state’s elections website here.
Please forward this to your network, and be sure to get out and vote!
2018 election, Brian Kemp, Election Day 2018, GA, Georgia, gubernatorial candidates, Haleigh’s Hope Act, marijuana policy, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Stacey Abrams, vote, voting