Ask your legislators to stop jailing cannabis consumers.
While cannabis policy reform is sweeping the country, Alabama remains one of only 19 states that still imposes jail time for simple possession of cannabis. The legislature has convened for its 2022 legislative session, and now is the perfect time to let your elected officials know you want them to catch up with the times.
Ask your state legislators to support decriminalizing cannabis in Alabama!
Polling has shown that 63% of Alabama voters support legalizing cannabis for adult use. Surely the margin is even stronger for decriminalization. Still, the legislature must act in order to bring this long overdue policy change.
Thousands of people are arrested each year for cannabis possession in Alabama. Black Alabamians are 4.1 times more likely to be arrested than their white counterparts. In Dekalb County, Black individuals are 45 times more likely to be arrested, the second highest disparity in the nation. The legislature must act in order to bring this long overdue policy change to the Yellowhammer State.
Ask your state legislators to support reducing the penalty for cannabis possession from possible jail time to a civil fine.
Stay tuned for updates — including any efforts to implement and expand the medical cannabis program the legislature enacted last year. To see our summary of the program, click here.
After you reach out to your lawmakers, be sure to share this message with your friends and family in Alabama and encourage them to do the same!
AL, Alabama, arrests, cannabis consumers, cannabis possession, civil fine, decrim, decriminalization, Dekalb County, disparity, jail, jail time, Medical Cannabis Program, polling, racial disparities, Yellowhammer State
Ask your state rep. to vote “yes” on the medical cannabis bill.
Great news! This afternoon, the Mississippi Senate voted 47-5 to restore a medical cannabis law to the Magnolia State. Now, the bill heads to the House of Representatives, where it is expected to come up in committee as soon as next week.
Ask your state representative to restore the will of voters!
More than a year after Mississippi voters overwhelmingly approved an initiative to legalize medical cannabis, the Magnolia State remains one of only 14 states with no effective medical cannabis law. Due to a technicality that overturned Initiative 65 (as well as the entire ballot initiative process), the patients of Mississippi are continuing to suffer needlessly.
Legislators crafted a compromise bill in anticipation that Gov. Tate Reeves (R) would call a special session of the legislature last fall. But the governor never called a special session. There is a possibility that some legislators are getting cold feet and may not want to pass a medical bill or pass one that is so restrictive that it does not resemble I-65 at all. SB 2095 is the best legislation to accomplish the goal of medical cannabis in Mississippi. Click here for our bill summary.
Reach out to your state rep. right now to let them know you want an effective medical cannabis program. Without hearing from YOU (and your family and friends), the House may choose to not pass a medical bill to alleviate the suffering of patients in Mississippi. Please continue to make your voices heard!
ballot initiative process, committee, Gov. Tate Reeves, I-65, initiative, Initiative 65, Magnolia State, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Mississippi, Mississippi House, Mississippi Senate, MS, patients, SB 2095, special session, suffering, vote
Ask your legislators to stop jailing cannabis consumers.
While cannabis policy reform is sweeping the country, Georgia remains one of only 19 states that still imposes jail time for simple possession of cannabis.
Polling shows more than 70% of Georgia voters support legalizing cannabis for adult use, and surely the margin is even stronger for decriminalization. Yet more than 45,000 people were arrested in 2018 alone for cannabis possession in the state! The legislature must act in order to bring this long overdue policy change to the Peachtree State.
Make sure your lawmakers know this issue matters to voters. Let your lawmakers know it’s time to stop arresting cannabis consumers. Ask them to support changing the penalty for possession from possible jail time to a civil fine.
After you reach out to your lawmakers, be sure to share this message with your friends and family in Georgia and encourage them to do the same!
And stay tuned for other updates — including about efforts to expand Georgia's very limited, medical cannabis program, which applies only to low-THC cannabis extracts.
arrests, cannabis consumers, cannabis possession, civil fine, decrim, decriminalization, GA, Georgia, jail time, legalization, limited medical cannabis program, low-THC cannabis extracts, Peachtree State, penalty
Ask your lawmakers to support HB 305!
Exciting news! Rep. Ed Osienski (D) has just introduced HB 305, a bill that would make cannabis legal for adults 21 and older, replacing prohibition with a system of regulation that focuses on public health and equity.
The bill is broadly similar to last year’s legalization bill, HB 150, but includes some important changes including allocating seven percent of tax revenue from legal sales to a Justice Reinvestment Fund. You can check out our full summary of HB 305 here.
It’s important your lawmakers hear from you — ask them to support HB 305 this session!
The bill will first be taken up by the House Health and Human Development Committee. Stay tuned for future updates about the bill hearing and how to raise your voice in support of equitable legalization this year.
By passing HB 305 this year, Delaware can further reduce police interactions and arrests for cannabis, boost public health and public safety by displacing the illicit market, create a new source of jobs and revenue, and begin to repair the decades of harm cannabis prohibition has caused in communities of color.
After you email your lawmakers, please share this message with your friends and family in Delaware and encourage them to do the same.
Together, we can end prohibition in the First State!
arrests, cannabis legalization, communities of color, DE, Delaware, equitable legalization, equity, First State, HB 150, HB 305, House Health and Human Development Committee, jobs, Justice Reinvestment Fund, legal sales, police interactions, public health, public safety, regulation, Rep. Ed Osienski, tax revenue
Contact your legislators in support of the medical cannabis bill.
More than a year after Mississippi voters overwhelmingly approved an initiative to legalize medical cannabis, the Magnolia State remains one of only 14 states with no effective medical cannabis law. Due to a technicality that overturned Initiative 65 (as well as the entire ballot initiative process), the patients of Mississippi continue to suffer needlessly.
Ask your legislators to restore the will of voters!
Legislators crafted a compromise bill in anticipation that Gov. Tate Reeves (R) would call a special session of the legislature last fall. But the governor never called the special session. There is a possibility that some legislators are getting cold feet and may not want to pass a medical bill or pass one that is so restrictive it does not resemble I-65 at all. The legislature has convened for its 2022 legislative session, and SB 2095 is the best legislation to accomplish the goal of medical cannabis in Mississippi. Click here for a bill summary.
The bill passed out of committee this afternoon and could get a floor vote as soon as tomorrow.
Reach out to your legislators right now to let them know you want an effective medical cannabis program. Without hearing from YOU (and your family and friends), the legislature may choose not to pass a medical bill or pass one that is so restrictive it will not meet the needs of the patients of Mississippi. Please continue to make your voices heard!
ballot initiative process, committee, compromise bill, effective medical cannabis program, floor vote, Gov. Tate Reeves, I-65, Initiative 65, Magnolia State, medical cannabis, medical cannabis bill, Medical Marijuana, Mississippi, MS, patients, restrictive, SB 2095, special session
Let your lawmakers know you want them to expedite the implementation of retail sales!
Last year, Virginia made history by becoming the first state in the South to legalize cannabis for adults. While adults can now legally possess and cultivate cannabis in the state, other aspects of the law — such as details for establishing a regulated cannabis market — don’t kick in until 2024. And, nearly all of the cannabis sales provisions are subject to further approval by the incoming legislature and governor.
Let your lawmakers know that you want them to expedite cannabis sales and preserve equitable legalization in Virginia!
The sooner Virginia implements legal sales, the sooner it can provide residents with safe, regulated access to cannabis and begin to repair the decades of harm cannabis prohibition has caused through strong equity provisions.
Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin (R) has not been specific on equity provisions in the legislation he’d want to change, but stated, “All of that will be on the table. Again, I don’t look to overturn the bill, but I think we need to make sure that it works.”
To address the disproportionate harm caused to communities of color by decades of prohibition, it is imperative that Virginia’s legalization law maintains strong social equity provisions. You can check out MPP’s summary of Virginia’s legalization law here.
We also remain concerned about a provision in the law that criminalizes bringing small amounts of cannabis into Virginia for personal use. This provision requires re-enactment this year, and we will continue to push for it to be removed.
The legislature has just convened for its 2022 session. Now is a great time to reach out to your lawmakers and let them know you want them to stand strong on an equitable cannabis industry and expedite cannabis sales in the Commonwealth. Please share this message with your friends and family in Virginia and encourage them to do the same!
cannabis sales, equitable cannabis industry, equitable legalization, equity provisions, expedited sales, governor, Governor-elect Glenn Youngkin, legalization, legalization implementation, personal use, regulated access, regulated cannabis market, regulated sales, safe access, South, VA, Virginia
Please ask your lawmakers to end cannabis prohibition in 2022!
Last year, two Delaware House committees approved HB 150 — a bill to legalize, tax, and regulate cannabis for adults. However, the legislature adjourned without further action on the bill.
Rep. Ed Osienski, sponsor of HB 150, plans to introduce a revised version of the bill again, with the aim of passing it this year.
The General Assembly convenes for its 2022 legislative session today. Now is a great time to reach out to your lawmakers and let them know that you want them to equitably legalize cannabis for adults this year!
Be sure to stay plugged in to the Delaware Cannabis Policy Coalition email alerts for more updates once the bill is introduced.
Delaware does not have a ballot initiative process, so the legislature must act to bring equitable legalization to the First State. A strong majority of Delawareans support legalizing cannabis for adults, and it’s important that your lawmakers hear from you!
By legalizing cannabis this year, Delaware can further reduce police interactions and arrests for cannabis, boost public health and public safety by displacing the illicit market, create a new source of jobs and revenue, and begin to repair the decades of harm cannabis prohibition has caused in communities of color.
After you email your lawmakers, please share this message with your friends and family in Delaware and encourage them to do the same.
Together, we can end prohibition in the First State!
adult-use legalization, arrests, communities of color, DE, Delaware, Delaware Cannabis Policy Coalition, equitable cannabis legalization, equity, First State, HB 150, jobs, police interactions, public health, public safety, Rep. Ed Osienski, revenue
Ask your state senator to vote “yes” on the medical cannabis bill!
While cannabis policy reform is sweeping the nation, Kansas remains one of only 14 states with no effective medical cannabis law and one of only 19 that still imposes jail time for simple possession of cannabis.
But with your help, this can be the year Kansas finally enacts a compassionate medical cannabis law! The legislature has convened for its 2022 legislative session, and the Senate is poised to act on a bill to legalize medical cannabis. The bill already passed the House of Representatives last year.
Ask your state senator to support a compassionate, comprehensive medical cannabis program.
Polling has shown that the majority of Kansas voters support legalizing cannabis both for adult use and medicinal purposes. Still, the Senate must act in order to bring this long overdue policy change to the Sunflower State.
After you reach out to your lawmakers, be sure to share this message with your friends and family in Kansas and encourage them to do the same!
compassion, compassionate medical cannabis law, comprehensive medical cannabis program, decriminalization, jail time, Kansas, Kansas Senate, Kansas voters, KS, legalization, medical cannabis, medical cannabis bill, Medical Marijuana, polling, simple possession, Sunflower State
Tell your legislators it is time to show compassion for our seriously ill patients!
While cannabis policy reform is sweeping the country, Kentucky remains one of only 14 states with no effective medical cannabis law and one of only 19 that still imposes jail time for simple possession of cannabis.
As more and more states move forward, be the voice that urges your legislators in Frankfort to pass a compassionate medical cannabis bill. The legislature has convened for its 2022 legislative session, and several cannabis policy reform bills have been introduced, including bills to legalize medical cannabis, legalization via a constitutional amendment, and legalization by the legislature.
Despite heavy opposition from key senators, bipartisan support for cannabis policy reform continues to grow. Meanwhile, the Kentucky Democratic Party is prioritizing getting the medical cannabis bill through this year.
Polling has shown that the majority of Kentucky voters support legalizing for medicinal purposes. Still, the legislature must act in order to bring this long overdue policy change to the Bluegrass State.
Make sure your lawmakers know this issue matters to voters; ask them to support cannabis policy reform:
Medical: Ask your state legislators to support a compassionate, comprehensive medical cannabis program.
Decriminalization: Let your lawmakers know it’s time to stop arresting marijuana consumers. Ask them to support changing the penalty for possession from possible jail time to a civil fine.
Legalization: Urge your lawmakers to end cannabis prohibition in Kentucky and legalize, tax, and regulate cannabis for adults.
After you reach out to your lawmakers, be sure to share this message with your friends and family in Kentucky and encourage them to do the same!
Bluegrass State, compassion, decriminalization, Frankfort, Kentucky, Kentucky Democratic Party, KY, legalization, legalization via a constitutional amendment, medical cannabis, medical cannabis bill, Medical Marijuana, opposition, patients
Let your senators know you want a medical cannabis program for South Carolina.
Despite overwhelming popular support, South Carolina remains one of only 14 states with no effective medical cannabis law. Let’s make 2022 the year that finally changes.
After seven years of relentless advocacy, Sen. Tom Davis (D) has been promised a Senate floor vote on S 150 — the Compassionate Care Act! The South Carolina Legislature has convened for its 2022 legislative session, and Sen. Davis’ medical cannabis bill carries over from last year, when it passed out of committee.
Ask your state legislators to support S 150 — and to enact a compassionate medical cannabis program.
If you have a personal connection to the issue — including if you have a serious illness and could benefit from medical cannabis — please fill out this form.
After you reach out to your lawmakers, be sure to share this message with your friends and family in South Carolina and encourage them to do the same!
Compassionate Care Act, compassionate medical cannabis program, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, patients, S 150, SC, Sen. Tom Davis, Senate floor vote, serious illness, South Carolina