
South Dakota: Be an advocate for legalization

Aug 19, 2020

advocate, Amendment A, ballot initiatives, benefits, campaign, cannabis legalization, Dakota Rural Action, endorsement, legalization, marijuana legalization, Measure 26, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Nick Nemec, patients, SD, selfie videos, South Dakota, t-shirt, WNAX

South Dakota: Be an advocate for legalization

With the start of early voting just around the corner, the campaign to advance marijuana legalization is moving full steam ahead, and they need your help!

First, though, an exciting update! Dakota Rural Action recently announced that they have endorsed both Amendment A and Measure 26. One of their board members, former South Dakota state legislator and Holabird farmer Nick Nemec, gave a stirring endorsement that WNAX radio broadcast across the state!

Their endorsement is great news, but the campaign needs more help sharing effective messages about the benefits of legalization — and that’s where you come in!

The campaign is asking supporters to create 30-60 second "selfie videos" on their cell phones about why they support legalizing marijuana for patients and adults. There are two ways to submit your video:

  • If the video file size is 25 MB or less, please email the video as an attachment to
  • If that doesn't work, send a message to the same email address, and someone from the campaign will be in touch to help you find another way to share the video with them.

If it's a good fit for what the campaign is trying to achieve, they’ll add the video to their website and Facebook pages and maybe make you a star! And, as a reward for your trouble, they’ll even ship you a snazzy t-shirt with the campaign logo on it (even if they don’t use your video)!

Don’t be intimidated to try this — they’re not looking for perfection! They’re looking for authenticity. Just provide your honest opinion about why you believe marijuana should be legalized for adults and patients.

These videos are REALLY effective and give convincing proof that legalizing marijuana reflects the will and hopes of everyday South Dakotans! The campaign looks forward to hearing why YOU plan to vote for Amendment A and Measure 26.

Thank you!