Jun 07, 2021
cannabis legalization, DE, Delaware, equitable cannabis policy, equity and inclusion, HB 150, House Appropriations Committee, House floor vote, House Health and Human Development Committee, legal industry, legalize and regulate, mandatory expungement, past cannabis possession convictions, possession, supermajority
Big news! On Friday, the House Appropriations Committee approved HB 150 — a bill to legalize and regulate cannabis for adults in Delaware. As you may recall, the House Health and Human Development Committee had already approved the bill back in March. Now, the legislation is cleared for a vote by the full House of Representatives. The vote is scheduled for this Thursday, June 10 at 2 p.m.
Email your representative today and ask them to vote YES on HB 150!
The bill needs to receive a supermajority (25 votes) to clear the House. The legislature is set to adjourn on June 30. It’s more important than ever that your lawmakers hear from you — ask them to legalize cannabis THIS YEAR by voting YES on HB 150!
HB 150 is the just, equitable cannabis policy that Delawareans deserve. It would legalize possession of up to one ounce of cannabis for adults 21 and older, allow for mandatory expungement of past cannabis possession convictions, and promote equity and inclusion in the legal industry from communities disproportionately impacted by cannabis prohibition. You can check out our full summary of HB 150 here.
A strong majority of Delawareans support legalization. Ask your state representative to listen to their constituents and vote YES on HB 150. Please help us spread the word by forwarding this message to your friends and family in Delaware or sharing this link on social media — mpp.org/LegalizeDE — and urging your contacts to help get HB 150 past the finish line.