
Let 2022 be the year that Kentucky passes a medical cannabis bill!

Jan 11, 2022

Bluegrass State, compassion, decriminalization, Frankfort, Kentucky, Kentucky Democratic Party, KY, legalization, legalization via a constitutional amendment, medical cannabis, medical cannabis bill, Medical Marijuana, opposition, patients

Let 2022 be the year that Kentucky passes a medical cannabis bill!

Tell your legislators it is time to show compassion for our seriously ill patients!

While cannabis policy reform is sweeping the country, Kentucky remains one of only 14 states with no effective medical cannabis law and one of only 19 that still imposes jail time for simple possession of cannabis.

As more and more states move forward, be the voice that urges your legislators in Frankfort to pass a compassionate medical cannabis bill. The legislature has convened for its 2022 legislative session, and several cannabis policy reform bills have been introduced, including bills to legalize medical cannabis, legalization via a constitutional amendment, and legalization by the legislature.

Despite heavy opposition from key senators, bipartisan support for cannabis policy reform continues to grow. Meanwhile, the Kentucky Democratic Party is prioritizing getting the medical cannabis bill through this year.

has shown that the majority of Kentucky voters support legalizing for medicinal purposes. Still, the legislature must act in order to bring this long overdue policy change to the Bluegrass State.

Make sure your lawmakers know this issue matters to voters; ask them to support cannabis policy reform:

Medical: Ask your state legislators to support a compassionate, comprehensive medical cannabis program.

Let your lawmakers know it’s time to stop arresting marijuana consumers. Ask them to support changing the penalty for possession from possible jail time to a civil fine.

Legalization: Urge your lawmakers to end cannabis prohibition in Kentucky and legalize, tax, and regulate cannabis for adults.

After you reach out to your lawmakers, be sure to share this message with your friends and family in Kentucky and encourage them to do the same!