
Ky.: Committee will vote on medical cannabis bill TODAY!

Mar 06, 2019

HB 136, Kentucky, Kentucky House Judiciary Committee, KY, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, Rep. Diane St. Onge, Rep. Jason Nemes, vote

Ky.: Committee will vote on medical cannabis bill TODAY!

If you live in Kentucky, tell your state representatives it's time to stand up for patients and pass HB 136!

After weeks of delays, the Kentucky House Judiciary Committee has finally agreed to discuss and vote on the medical cannabis bill this afternoon! HB 136, sponsored by Republican Reps. Jason Nemes and Diane St. Onge, is expected to receive a vote sometime late this afternoon.

Please email your representatives right now and urge them to support the medical cannabis bill!

In order for this bill to pass, legislators will need to hear an outpouring of support from their constituents. After you write your elected officials, please share this message with your friends and family!