Jul 08, 2015
California, Jerry Brown, Marc Levine, Norman Smith, organ, reason, transplant
Medical marijuana patients in California won a victory Monday when the Gov. Jerry Brown signed a bill that would prevent patients from being denied organ transplants.
The Associated Press reports:
The Democratic governor
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Gov. Jerry Brown[/caption]
announced Monday that he signed AB258 by Democratic Assemblyman Marc Levine of San Rafael.
Supporters say some patients who use medical marijuana have been denied life-saving organ transplants because they are treated by doctors as drug abusers. Marijuana is often prescribed to cancer and other patients to help with pain and side effects of treatment.
Levine's legislation ensures that medical marijuana users have the same right to access organ transplants as other patients by prohibiting a hospital or doctor from disqualifying a person solely because of medical marijuana use.
One such patient was Norman Smith, a Los Angeles resident who succumbed to liver cancer after being denied a transplant. You can learn about his story here.