Last November, Missouri voters overwhelmingly approved Amendment 2 to establish constitutional protections for medical marijuana patients and create a system for them to safely access medical marijuana. For the past several months, state officials have been making progress in implementing the new law. Here are a few updates:
- The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) has issued draft rules governing physicians and the system they must use to issue medical marijuana recommendations to qualifying patients.
- The law requires the department to finish the rule-writing process by June 4.
- Regulators are also accepting suggestions from the public about rules for the medical marijuana program. Click here to share your opinions with them!
- Patients will be able to apply for a medical marijuana registration card by July 4.
- DHHS has established 10 advisory committees composed of subject matter experts to help review draft questions for the facility license applications. More information about these committees and how feedback can be provided can be found here.
- The state commissioned and published a study by three economists predicting there will be 26,000 registered medical marijuana patients in Missouri by 2022.
Thank you for continuing to support sensible marijuana policy reforms, and stay tuned for more updates from us!