Call your state representative and state senator TODAY.
Year after year, the clock has run out on patients in South Carolina.
At a gripping press conference last week, one mother described how she’s been fighting for medical cannabis for six years — half of her daughter’s life — and how other parents have lost their children who medical cannabis may have helped.
Margaret Richardson — who suffers from a rare and excruciating illness — described having to “creep around like a criminal” and running out of the one medicine that has brought her relief. State law, she explained, forces patients to choose between agony and opioids.
Watch the video, share it on Facebook and with your lawmakers, and let it motivate you to light up their phones. (Remember not to be hostile or threatening. As heartbreaking as opposition can be, our goal is to pass legislation and aggressive calls will only make it harder to do so.)
Click here to call your state lawmakers. Our automated system will connect you to their office once you type in your address and provide a sample script. You will probably talk to a staffer. Be sure to mention your lawmaker’s name, which our system will provide. Staffers typically work for between two and four legislators. Finally, if you or a loved one has a serious illness and could benefit from medical cannabis, be sure to mention that.
Thank you for your standing up for patients! Together, we can finally bring a compassionate law to South Carolina.
call, compassion, families, Margaret Richardson, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, medicine, opioids, patients, press conference, SC, South Carolina
Earlier this month, Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo introduced her annual budget bill. Similar to last year, the package includes legislation detailing a plan to legalize and regulate marijuana for adults 21 and older. Unlike the 2019 budget article, though, the new proposal would involve state-run retail stores and establish a Community Equity and Reinvestment Council to address the past decades of social harms caused by criminalization. You can read a comprehensive summary of the bill here.
The governor is showing leadership by recognizing the obvious: legalization is the only way forward for Rhode Island. But there’s serious concern that a system of state-owned marijuana stores could put this model on shaky legal ground, so long as marijuana remains federally banned. Similar plans in states like Utah have fallen apart.
Given that risk, we’re urging the governor and legislators to create a private option for retail stores as a backup plan in case state stores do not open or are shut down due to legal challenges.
Disappointingly, leaders of the General Assembly continue to ignore the will of their constituents and have dismissed the prospect of legalizing marijuana for adults this year. But the inclusion of Article 13 in the governor’s budget means the legislature will have to find some way to fill a $20-million hole if they remove the legalization plan.
We’ll keep you informed as the 2020 legislative session continues.
Article 13, budget bill, cannabis regulation, Community Equity and Reinvestment Council, Gov. Gina Raimondo, governor’s budget, legalization, legalization plan, Regulate Rhode Island, Regulate Rhode Island Coalition, Rhode Island, RI, social equity, social justice, state-owned marijuana stores, Utah
Ask your lawmakers to allow patients to grow their own medical cannabis.
Although the Delaware General Assembly enacted a medical cannabis law in 2011, many patients continue to needlessly suffer because they can’t afford their medicine.
House Bill 243 would give patients another option — the ability to securely cultivate their own medical cannabis. Let your state legislators know Delaware patients deserve the same freedom patients in most other medical cannabis states enjoy.
You can also speak out in person at a hearing TOMORROW both for HB 243 and for another bill to expand patients’ rights — SB 79. SB 79, which already passed the Senate, would clarify that individuals are not forbidden from possessing or buying a firearm under Delaware law merely because they are medical cannabis patients.
What: Hearing on HB 243 (medical cannabis home cultivation) and SB 79 (medical cannabis patient non-discrimination in firearms rights) before the House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee
When: Wednesday, January 29, at 2:30 p.m.
Where: Delaware House Minority Caucus Room, 411 Legislative Avenue, Dover, DE 19901
*Note that two other bills are also on the committee’s agenda for this meeting.
If you attend, please dress in business or business casual and treat all lawmakers — even opponents — with respect and courtesy. We’ve seen many lawmakers change their position to support reforms, but aggression and hostility will only make it harder to move these important bills. Please also try to limit your testimony to no more than three minutes.
And finally, spread the word to other Delawareans so that they, too, can raise their voices for compassion.
DE, Delaware, Delaware House Public Safety and Homeland Security Committee, HB 243, hearing, home cultivation, medical cannabis, medical cannabis home cultivation, Medical Marijuana, non-discrimination in firearms rights, patients, patients' rights, SB 79, testimony
Click here to register to join us.
The Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition is just one week away from our 2020 cannabis policy lobby day. Be sure to mark your calendars, and join us in solidarity.
When: Tuesday, February 4, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Where: Anne Arundel Delegation Room, House Office Building — 6 Bladen Street, Annapolis, MD 21401
Registration: Please complete the registration form here to join us. Prior to meeting with your elected officials, we will provide you with a list of relevant legislation, talking points, and lobby tips.
Although we’re disappointed the Maryland General Assembly isn’t planning to take up legalization until 2021, there are several bills under consideration that would reduce the damage done by Maryland’s marijuana laws. Join us to raise your voice for these important reforms, including a bill to increase the decriminalized amount of cannabis from under 10 grams to one ounce (28.5 grams), a bill to automatically expunge past marijuana possession charges, and a bill to protect medical cannabis patients from losing their gun rights.
We need all hands on deck to keep reforming cannabis policy in Maryland! Join us at lobby day to help us send a strong message to the General Assembly to pass cannabis policy reform legislation this session and increase support for adult-use legalization.
Please take a moment to email your legislators and ask them to support legalizing, taxing, and regulation cannabis for adult use. Then, help us spread the word about lobby day by forwarding this message to your friends and family in Maryland and sharing our event on Facebook.
We hope to see you next week!
2020 cannabis policy lobby day, adult-use legalization, advocacy, automatic expungement, cannabis regulation, decriminalization, gun rights, legalization, Lobby Day, Maryland, Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition, MD, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, patients, Tax and Regulate
Call House Judiciary Chair Jason Petrie and House Speaker David Osborne and tell them it’s time to move forward on HB 136!
Support for medical cannabis in Kentucky is overwhelming, but the clock is ticking on the 2020 session, and the House Judiciary Committee has not yet taken action on HB 136.
Please call House Judiciary Chairman Jason Petrie and House Speaker David Osborne and urge them to bring HB 136 to a vote!
Last year, the committee passed a similar bill in an overwhelming 16-1 vote, but the House adjourned without taking action.
It’s critical that legislators hear from their constituents who support medical cannabis. After you call Chairman Petrie and Speaker Osborne, please write your legislators and share this message with your friends and family.
HB 136, House Judiciary Chairman Jason Petrie, House Speaker David Osborne, Kentucky, Kentucky House Judiciary Committee, KY, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, patients
25 years, campaigns, cannabis regulation, changing laws, changing lives, decriminalization, founding, legalization, legislative efforts, Marijuana Policy Project, marijuana policy reform, medical cannabis, Medical Marijuana, movement, MPP, policy victories, success, Tax and Regulate
Prior to the House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee hearing on HB 1648, bill sponsors Rep. Carol McGuire and Rep. Renny Cushing will join leaders of ACLU-NH, Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire, and the Marijuana Policy Project to discuss the proposal
CONCORD, N.H. — The House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee will hold a hearing Thursday on HB 1648, legislation that would legalize possession and limited cultivation of cannabis for adults 21 and older in New Hampshire.
Sponsors of HB 1648, including Rep. Carol McGuire (R-Epsom) and Rep. Renny Cushing (D-Hampton), will join supporters of the bill for a pre-hearing news conference at 12:30 p.m. in the lobby of the New Hampshire Legislative Office Building. Participants will include leaders from ACLU-NH, Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire, and the Marijuana Policy Project.
“The time has come to end our outdated policy of punishing adults for possessing cannabis,” McGuire said. “It does not make sense for New Hampshire to remain an island of prohibition.”
A summary of HB 1648 is available here.
WHAT: News conference and hearing on HB 1648, the bill to legalize possession and limited cultivation of cannabis for adults 21 and older in New Hampshire
WHEN: Thursday, January 23; news conference at 12:30 p.m. ET, followed by the hearing at 1:30 p.m. ET
WHERE: News conference in the lobby of the New Hampshire Legislative Office Building, 33 N. State St., Concord; the hearing will be held in Rooms 210-211
WHO: Rep. Carol McGuire (R-Epsom), sponsor of HB 1648
Rep. Renny Cushing (D-Hampton), cosponsor of HB 1648
Richard Van Wickler, superintendent, Cheshire County Department of Corrections, representing Law Enforcement Action Partnership
Jeanne Hruska, political director, ACLU-NH
Ross Connolly, deputy director, Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire
Matt Simon, New England political director, Marijuana Policy Project
ACLU-NH, Americans for Prosperity New Hampshire, cannabis possession, Concord, HB 1648, hearing, Law Enforcement Action Partnership, legalization, limited cannabis cultivation, Marijuana Policy Project, New Hampshire, news conference, NH, NH House Criminal Justice and Public Safety Committee, Rep. Carol McGuire, Rep. Renny Cushing
Show support for HB 83 and other cannabis policy reform efforts in 2020 by joining us for our annual lobby day on Tuesday, February 4 (8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.) in Annapolis! Register to join us here.
A bill — HB 83 — has been introduced by Delegate David Moon (D) to provide for automatic expungement of marijuana possession convictions.
The House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing for the bill on Tuesday, January 28 at 1:00 p.m. in Room 101 of the House Office Building — located at 6 Bladen Street in Annapolis. Note that other bills are also scheduled during this committee meeting, so there could be a significant wait before the bill is called.
You can voice your support at the hearing by providing written and/or oral testimony. We particularly encourage testimony from those who have been personally impacted by a marijuana possession conviction.
You can find guidelines on providing testimony here. If you provide oral testimony, you will be limited to three minutes. Please be polite and respectful and dress in business or business casual attire.
HB 83 is an important and just reform that will allow those branded with a marijuana possession conviction to move on with their lives without suffering the harsh collateral consequences a conviction carries.
Conviction records make it more difficult to obtain housing, a job, and a college education. Discriminatory enforcement of marijuana laws means these collateral consequences disproportionately affect people of color.
Please consider showing your support for HB 83 at next week’s hearing, and help spread the word by forwarding this message to your friends and family in Maryland.
Annapolis, automatic expungement, collateral consequences, conviction records, Del. David Moon, HB 38, hearing, Lobby Day, marijuana possession convictions, Maryland, Maryland Cannabis Policy Coalition, Maryland House Judiciary Committee, MD, people of color, testimony
We are holding an advocacy workshop this evening in Manchester, and there will be legislative hearings on medical cannabis bills Wednesday afternoon and on the legalization bill Thursday afternoon.
There will be several opportunities to support cannabis policy reform in New Hampshire this week. This is a very important time to make sure your voice is being heard in Concord!
Here are the three events that will be taking place:
TUESDAY — Cannabis Legalization Advocacy Workshop
WHEN: Tuesday, January 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Americans for Prosperity, 340 Granite Street (First Floor), Manchester
Click here for more details and to RSVP.
WEDNESDAY — Public Hearings on Medical Cannabis Home Cultivation Bill and Other Bills
WHEN: The hearings will begin at 1:00 p.m. on Wednesday, January 22. Legislators will testify first, followed by members of the public. Click here for more details on the bills and hearings.
WHERE: Legislative Office Building, Room 101, 33 North State Street, Concord (behind the capitol building)
Click here to RSVP.
THURSDAY — Public Hearing on the Cannabis Legalization Bill
WHEN: Advocates will gather for a press conference at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23. The hearing will begin at 1:30 p.m. Legislators will testify first, followed by members of the public. Please note that the hearing may last several hours.
WHERE: Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord (behind the capitol building) — Press conference in lobby; hearing in Rooms 210-212.
Click here to RSVP.
You can read a summary of the legalization bill, HB 1648, here.
Please mark your calendars and share this message with your friends and family. If you can’t make it to the workshop this evening but are interested in testifying at one of the hearings, please email Matt Simon directly, and he will send you more information.
advocacy workshop, Americans for Prosperity, bills, cannabis legalization, Cannabis Legalization Advocacy Workshop, Concord, HB 1648, home cultivation, legalization, legislative hearings, Manchester, medical cannabis, medical cannabis home cultivation, Medical Marijuana, New Hampshire, NH, press conference, public hearings
To prepare, join advocates for a workshop in Manchester on Tuesday, January 21 — also, email your state legislators today and ask for their support!
The state legislature convened last week, and a public hearing has already been scheduled for the new legalization bill, HB 1648, on Thursday, January 23. This would be a great day for you to visit the state house and voice your support!
Here are the details:
WHAT: Public hearing on HB 1648
WHEN: Advocates will gather for a press conference at 12:30 p.m. on Thursday, January 23. The hearing will begin at 1:30 p.m. Legislators will testify first, followed by members of the public. Please note that the hearing may last several hours.
WHERE: Legislative Office Building, 33 North State Street, Concord (behind the capitol building) — Press conference in lobby, hearing in Rooms 210-212
WHO: All supporters of HB 1648 are welcome to sign in and/or testify in support. You can RSVP here on Facebook.
Since the Senate and governor have already made it clear that they’re not ready to support legalizing and regulating cannabis sales in 2020, we have decided to refocus efforts in support of this bill, which would simply legalize possession and limited home cultivation for adults 21 and older — similar to Vermont’s legalization law. You can read a summary of HB 1648 here.
To help supporters prepare for the hearing, our allies at Americans for Prosperity have offered to host an advocacy workshop at their Manchester office on Tuesday, January 21, and we would love to have you join us! Here are the details:
WHAT: Cannabis Legalization Advocacy Workshop
WHEN: Tuesday, January 21, 6:30-7:30 p.m.
WHERE: Americans for Prosperity, 340 Granite Street (first floor), Manchester
WHO: Supporters of HB 1648
You can RSVP here at the Facebook event page.
Please mark your calendars and share this message with your friends and family. If you can’t make it to the workshop but are interested in testifying at the hearing, please email me directly, and I will send you more information.
advocacy workshop, Americans for Prosperity, Cannabis Legalization Advocacy Workshop, Concord, HB 1648, home cultivation, legalization, legalization bill, marijuana possession, New Hampshire, NH, press conference, public hearing, testify, Vermont