It used to be that if a celebrity were caught smoking marijuana, he or she would have to perform a whole song and dance to the tune of regret and shame. There’d be the pulled endorsements, the heartfelt public apology via print, the heartfelt public apology via talk show circuit, and the hefty donation to a drug rehabilitation center. And even after all the tears and penitence, some careers just couldn’t recover.
Luckily, more and more celebrities are refusing to apologize for using a substance that is safer than alcohol, and more sectors of society are refusing to stigmatize them for it.
With social followings in the millions, entertainers like Rihanna and Justin Bieber are in a unique position. They have a platform to educate people about the comparative dangers of marijuana versus alcohol and to reach out to elected officials to promote policy change. We can only hope that as the fear of ruined careers dissipates further, more celebrities will take advantage of that platform and help out the people who face much harsher consequences for making the safer choice: everyone else.
The Hawaii House of Representatives will soon vote on legislation that downgrades the penalty for possession of up to 20 grams of marijuana to a civil violation punishable by a $100 fine.
The Senate has already passed its own version of this bill. Should the House approve S.B. 472, HD 1, a conference committee will be appointed to work out differences in the legislation before passing a final version on to Gov. Neil Abercrombie.
If you are a Hawaii resident, let your representative know that possessing a substance that is safer than alcohol doesn’t warrant a criminal record and possible jail time.
decriminalization, Hawaii, Neil Abercrombie, Robert Capecchi, SB 472 HD 1
On Tuesday, in pharmacies across the Czech Republic, medical marijuana was made available to patients suffering from cancer, Parkinson's disease, multiple sclerosis, or psoriasis. Marijuana is available by prescription only, and must be imported from the Netherlands or Israel since a cultivation program is not yet included in the law.
The Czech Senate overwhelmingly voted in favor of a medical marijuana bill earlier this year, and President Vaclav Klaus signed the bill into law on February 15.
The law does not mandate that medical marijuana be covered by health insurance nor does it allow for home cultivation by patients. Regardless, the country has some of the most lenient marijuana laws in Europe. Possession of five or less plants is merely a misdemeanor, and fines for possession of 15 grams or less are on par with parking citations.
Czech Republic, Israel, multiple sclerosis, Netherlands, Parkinson's, psoriasis, Vaclav Klaus
Last year, the Michigan Legislature passed a series of bills tweaking Michigan’s voter-approved medical marijuana law, and most of those changes took effect yesterday. Among other things, the law now defines and requires a “bona fide physician-patient relationship” — which includes an in-person evaluation — between a patient and recommending physician. Also, newly issued registry ID cards will be valid for two years instead of only one. A requirement that patients transporting marijuana by vehicle keep it in a case in the trunk took effect in January.
Here’s our handout with full summaries of these new laws. More information, including new forms anyone applying for or renewing a registry ID card will need to use, is available at the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs website.
One change that we hope will take effect soon is state and locally recognized dispensaries. State Rep. Mike Callton (R-Nashville) and 16 other representatives are sponsoring HB 4271, which would allow cities and towns to choose whether or not to recognize and regulate dispensaries. If you are a Michigan resident, please ask your legislators to give patients more options for access by voting “yes” on HB 4271.
Dan Riffle, HB 4271, Michigan, Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs, Mike Calton
[caption id="attachment_6175" align="alignleft" width="240"] Gov. Lincoln Chafee[/caption]
As of yesterday, April 1, 2013, possession of up to an ounce of marijuana is no longer subject to an arrest, a criminal charge, or the threat of jail time under Rhode Island law! Thanks to legislation sponsored by Sen. Josh Miller and Rep. John “Jay” Edwards and signed into law by Gov. Lincoln Chafee, individuals found in possession of up to an ounce of marijuana will now be given a civil citation of $150. Those under 18 will also have their parents notified and will be required to attend an alcohol and drug education course and perform community service. Third and subsequent violations within 18 months are still grounds for a misdemeanor.
This MPP-led effort is yet another step towards rational marijuana policy. Until marijuana is regulated and taxed similarly to alcohol, sales will remain uncontrolled, and they will continue to prop up drug cartels instead of legitimate Rhode Island businesses. Repealing criminal penalties for marijuana possession slows the bleeding, but repealing marijuana prohibition will heal the wound.
If you are a Rhode Island resident, please email your lawmakers and urge them to support the Marijuana Regulation, Control, and Taxation Act.
decriminalization, John ÒJayÓ Edwards, Josh Miller, Rhode Island, Robert Capecchi, Tax and Regulate
Last Thursday’s hearing on West Virginia’s medical marijuana bill was an overwhelmingly positive experience that resulted in some great media coverage. Many thanks to all the patients, medical professionals, and other advocates who testified — you made a huge impact on the House Health and Human Resources Committee!
[caption id="attachment_6171" align="alignright" width="130"] Chairman Don Perdue[/caption]
Remarkably, 18 people spoke in favor of the bill, and none were opposed. Chairman Don Perdue (D-Wayne) had been very reluctant to place this bill on the committee’s agenda, but he has now agreed to form a study committee that will give the bill the serious attention it deserves over the summer.
It’s unfortunate that the bill won’t be advancing to a vote in the legislature this year, but the outpouring of public support for HB 2961 has more than broken the ice — it has dramatically changed the way many West Virginia legislators view this issue.
Please enjoy these news links and share them with your friends and family so we can continue building public support for this sensible, compassionate reform!
* Beckley Register-Herald/Bluefield Daily Telegraph: “No Foes Speak at House Hearing on Medical Marijuana”
* WVNS-TV: “Is West Virginia Ready to Legalize Medical Marijuana?”
* WCHS-TV: “Medical Marijuana Bill Introduced to West Virginia Legislature”
Beckley Register-Herald, Bluefield Daily Telegraph, Don Perdue, HB 2961, Matt Simon, medical, WCHS, West Virginia, WVNS
April is Alcohol Awareness Month, which in Portland means it’s time for the annual Spring Beer & Wine Fest. Locals may notice something different about this year’s festival: a massive sign reminding onlookers that marijuana is safer than alcohol.
MPP’s latest billboard, located at Southwest 13th and Alder Streets, features a glass of beer, a glass of wine, and a marijuana leaf below the words "Beer," "Wine," and "Safer."
"Our goal is to make this year's beer and wine festivals as educational as they are enjoyable," said Roy Kaufmann, MPP’s Oregon representative. "We know Oregonians are proud of our craft beer, wine, and spirits, but the objective fact remains that marijuana is less toxic and less addictive than alcohol, and it is far less likely to contribute to violent and reckless behavior.”
alcohol, Alcohol Awareness Month, billboard, Oregon, Portland, Roy Kaufmann, SAFER
Despite what some may think, marijuana reform is not a rallying cry for simply one side of the political spectrum.
[caption id="attachment_6159" align="alignleft" width="190"] Sen. Rand Paul[/caption]
In response to a comment from Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) on "Fox News Sunday" that marijuana use wasn't worth throwing people in jail for, Bryan Fischer, the director of issues analysis for the socially conservative American Family Association, tweeted: “Sen. Paul doesn't want [to] send folks to jail for marijuana beef. Fine. Make 'em pay a fine, like we do for speeding tickets.”
TV evangelist Pat Robinson has also spoken in favor of marijuana reform, publically endorsing ballot initiatives in Colorado and Washington state.
American Family Association, Bryan Fischer, conservative, Pat Robertson, Rand Paul
The elderly represent the largest medical marijuana consumer group. However, more and more senior citizens are turning to marijuana for recreational purposes — and it’s not just the aging baby boomers that left the substance behind in college. Some retirees are trying marijuana for the first time.
In 2011, the National Survey on Drug Use and Health found that 6.3% of adults between the ages of 50 and 59 used marijuana, more than double the percentage that reported it 10 years ago.
HuffPost Live streamed “Grandparents & Ganja,” a discussion about marijuana’s unexpected clientele. Speakers included: MPP’s communications director, Mason Tvert; Mason’s grandmother, Helen Shuller; Keith Stroup, the founder of NORML; and former Washington State Senator George Rohrbacher. During the conversation, Helen was asked if older voters would be in favor of legalizing and regulating marijuana like alcohol. “[T]here’s a great deal of money to be raised by taxing marijuana,” she replied. “If that will relieve the worries about future social security and Medicare, older people will be very much in favor of it.”
The New York Times also explored marijuana’s popularity among the elderly. The newspaper spoke with a number of retirees, including Mason’s grandparents. “Most of us are either retiring or are retired,” Helen told the Times. “You don’t have to worry about your job knowing, so it’s a little easier for us. I don’t care if you use my name, I don’t care if they know!”
elderly, ganja, George Rohrbacher, Helen Shuller, Huffington Post, Keith Stroup, Mason Tvert, Medicare, New York Times
A medical marijuana bill that could allow academic medical centers to provide marijuana to patients whose doctors recommend it took a significant step toward becoming law minutes ago when it was approved by the Maryland House of Delegates. In a sign of just how uncontroversial this bill is, there was no debate and the vote was an overwhelming 108-28! The bill now moves over to the Senate, so you know what to do.
If you live in Maryland, please ask your state senator to support HB 1101.
Unlike medical marijuana programs you’ve heard about in other states, HB 1101 would allow academic medical centers, like Johns Hopkins, to apply to an independent commission for the ability to administer a research-focused program through which participating patients could obtain marijuana without fear of arrest and prosecution. The bill is far from perfect – it could take years to get up and running and would require either federal cooperation or medical centers in Maryland to violate federal law – but it’s a start. The bill could be amended down the road if the current version proves unworkable.
HB 1101, House of Delegates, Johns Hopkins, Maryland, Research