[caption id="attachment_7374" align="alignright" width="128"] Gov. Martin O'Malley[/caption]
Gov. Martin O’Malley has stated repeatedly that he opposes decriminalizing marijuana, a sensible measure already adopted by 16 other states, including red states like Nebraska and Mississippi. Gov. O’Malley does not support measures being considered in the legislature that would remove criminal penalties for possessing small amounts of marijuana. One such bill passed the Senate in a bipartisan vote last year, but the House never took it up.
Gov. O’Malley needs to hear that caging people, entangling them in the justice system, and burdening them with criminal records for life, simply because of a few joints, is a waste of law enforcement resources. The ACLU of Maryland estimates that $106 million is wasted annually on enforcing marijuana possession laws. Criminalizing marijuana has destroyed lives, making it difficult for people to find a job or even get housing. These anti-marijuana laws also disproportionately target African Americans.
ACLU, African Americans, governor, Martin O'Malley, Maryland, Mississippi, Nebraska, Senate
Shortly after the Florida Supreme Court cleared the way for the medical marijuana ballot initiative to appear on the November ballot, lawmakers in Tallahassee took note and introduced a flurry of legislation to sensibly reform the Sunshine State’s marijuana laws. A bill to allow patients with devastating seizure disorders to use high CBD marijuana was the first to be filed. While this bill is an improvement on the status quo, it will also leave many patients without access to effective medicine.
Thankfully, Sen. Jeff Clemens and Rep. Joe Saunders realize this flaw and have introduced comprehensive medical marijuana legislation that would finally bring Florida in line with the growing list of compassionate states that treat, rather than jail, patients.
[caption id="attachment_7371" align="alignright" width="144"] Rep. Randolph Bracy[/caption]
Finally, legislation was introduced yesterday by Rep. Randolph Bracy to end Florida’s prohibition of marijuana, replacing it with a system that regulates and taxes adult sales, similarly to our alcohol laws. This proposal will finally allow Florida to control who is selling marijuana, where, and to whom. It will also allow the state to collect tens of millions of dollars in tax revenue on adult sales, while striking an economic blow to the criminal organizations that currently monopolize the marijuana market.
CBD, Florida, Jeff Clemens, Joe Saunders, Randolph Bracy, seizure, Sunshine State, Supreme Court, Tallahassee
Earlier this week, lawmakers in Des Moines once again introduced the Medical Cannabis Act for consideration. Unfortunately, the legislation will die for the year if it is not reported out of the Senate Human Resources Committee by the end of the week. If you live in Iowa, please email the committee members today and ask them to hold a hearing on this bill.
If passed, the Medical Cannabis Act will protect Iowans with serious and debilitating medical conditions from arrest or prosecution for using medical marijuana with a doctor’s recommendation. The legislation also requires the department of public health to develop rules governing the distribution of medical marijuana to qualified patients. Twenty states and Washington, D.C. have compassionate laws on the books; it’s about time Iowa does the same.
It’s time both Republicans and Democrats in Iowa stand up for those less fortunate and allow trained medical professionals to recommend medical marijuana when they think its use is appropriate.
Democrat, Des Moines, Iowa, Medical Cannabis Act, Republican, Senate Human Resources Committee
Late last week, the Senate Judiciary Committee voted 3-2 to advance a proposal that would put an initiative on November’s ballot asking if marijuana should be taxed and regulated like alcohol. The vote means the proposal made it past the first committee deadline. The bill now goes to the Senate Rules Committee. If you are an Oregon resident, please email your lawmakers today and ask them to support this sensible idea.
The bill, SB 1556, would ask voters in November if adults 21 and older should be allowed to legally use, possess, and cultivate a limited amount of marijuana. It would also task the Oregon Legislature with deciding how best to regulate commercial production and retail sales of marijuana to adults 21 and older. Even lawmakers who oppose the idea of treating marijuana like alcohol can support the idea of giving their constituents the ability to vote on the proposal themselves, so please ask your lawmakers to vote “yes” on SB 1556 today.
If Governor Kitzhaber can hear the “drumbeats [of inevitable marijuana policy reform] from Washington and Colorado,” so can Oregon lawmakers.
John Kitzhaber, Oregon, SB 1556, Senate Judiciary Committee, Tax and Regulate
The Kentucky House Health and Welfare Committee is scheduled to hold a public hearing Thursday at 12:00 p.m. ET on a bill that would allow people suffering from conditions such as cancer, multiple sclerosis (MS), and HIV/AIDS to use medical marijuana if their doctors recommend it.
[caption id="attachment_7360" align="alignright" width="150"] Rep. Mary Lou Marzian[/caption]
HB 350, known as the Cannabis Compassion Act, introduced on February 10 by Rep. Mary Lou Marzian (D-Louisville), a registered nurse, was the first effective medical marijuana bill ever introduced in the Kentucky House of Representatives. It would allow licensed patients and caregivers to possess and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana. It would also establish safety compliance facilities and permit one medical marijuana compassion center for every 100,000 state residents. Sen. Perry Clark (D-Louisville) introduced a similar measure, SB 43, earlier this year.
Nearly 80% of Kentucky adults think people with serious illnesses should be allowed to access and use marijuana for medical purposes if their doctors recommend it, according to a Kentucky Health Issues Poll released in May 2013.
Cannabis Compassion Act, HB 350, Kentucky, Louisville, Mary Lou Marzian, Matt Simon, Medical Marijuana, Perry Clark, SB 43
On Thursday, February 13, the Senate Committees on Public Safety, Intergovernmental and Military Affairs, and Commerce and Consumer Protection will meet to hear three marijuana-related bills. Two of these bills will bring needed sensibility to Hawaii’s marijuana laws, while the third would erode patient protections and needs to be pushed back against.
The two good bills are SB 2358 and SB 2733. SB 2358 will make possession of a small amount of marijuana a civil infraction, as opposed to a criminal charge. Hawaii residents can submit testimony in support of this bill using talking points provided by Fresh Approach Hawaii. SB 2733 would go a step further by legalizing marijuana for adults and regulating it like alcohol. Supportive testimony for this legislation is needed as well; talking points can be found here.
Meanwhile, we need all those interested in protecting medical marijuana patients’ rights to submit testimony in opposition to SB 2402, a bill that would take away protections for patients who possess and use marijuana concentrates. This is unacceptable; many patients need concentrated marijuana in order to relieve their symptoms. If you are a Hawaii resident, please submit testimony in opposition to this plan using the talking points provided by MCCHI.
Fresh Approach Hawaii, Hawaii, MCCHI, SB 2358, SB 2402, SB 2733
[caption id="attachment_7347" align="alignright" width="199"] Sen. Josh Miller[/caption]
Rhode Island Senate Health and Human Services Committee Chairman Josh Miller and House Judiciary Committee Chairwoman Edith Ajello held a press conference today to announce that they will introduce a bill to legalize, tax, and regulate marijuana similarly to alcohol. The founder of Brown University’s Alcohol & Addiction Studies Center, a former Providence police officer, and other opinion leaders joined them to call for this more sensible approach.
The Marijuana Regulation, Control, and Taxation Act is similar to the laws in Colorado and Washington. The proposal would allow individuals 21 and older to possess and cultivate limited amounts of marijuana. It also directs the Department of Revenue to license and regulate marijuana producers and 10 retail marijuana stores. This sensible approach to marijuana would create new industries with new jobs and raise needed revenue for the state. It would also allow law enforcement focus on more serious crimes.
MPP and Regulate Rhode Island are working hard to ensure that this is the year Rhode Island ends its marijuana prohibition, but we need your help. If you are a Rhode Island resident, email your lawmakers and ask them to support this important legislation and then ask your friends and family in the Ocean State to do the same.
Finally, if you have experienced first-hand how problematic marijuana prohibition is, take a few moments to tell us your story.
and Taxation Act, Brown University, Edith Ajello, House Judiciary Committee, Josh Miller, Marijuana Regulation Control, Regulate Rhode Island, Rhode Island, Senate Health and Human Services Committee, Tax and Regulate
[caption id="attachment_7344" align="alignright" width="210"] Rep. Steve Cohen[/caption]
U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN) introduced a bill Tuesday that would change federal law so that the director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), commonly known as the “drug czar,” is no longer prohibited from studying the legalization of marijuana and no longer required to oppose attempts to legalize marijuana for medical or broader adult use.
Specifically, H.R. 4046, the Unmuzzle the Drug Czar Act of 2014, would amend the Office of National Drug Control Policy Reauthorization Act of 1998 to remove the following language from the obligations of the director:
(12) shall ensure that no Federal funds appropriated to the Office of National Drug Control Policy shall be expended for any study or contract relating to the legalization (for a medical use or any other use) of a substance listed in schedule I of [the Controlled Substances Act] and.take such actions as necessary to oppose any attempt to legalize the use of a substance (in any form) that --
(A) is listed in schedule I of section 812 of this title; and
(B) has not been approved for use for medical purposes by the Food and Drug Administration;
Rep. Cohen and other members of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform slammed the ONDCP during a hearing last week. Rep. Cohen chided the office for failing to address the National Institute on Drug Abuse's obstruction of research into the medical benefits of marijuana. Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR) criticized it for relying on marijuana “propaganda.” ONDCP Deputy Director Michael Botticelli drew criticism for refusing to acknowledge that marijuana poses less potential harm to the consumer than heroin or methamphetamine.
If you haven't already done so, please sign our Change.org petition asking President Obama to reschedule marijuana and share it with your friends.
Congress, drug czar, Earl Blumenauer, H.R. 4046, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, Michael Botticelli, ONDCP, Steve Cohen, Unmuzzle the Drug Czar Act of 2014
[caption id="attachment_7339" align="alignright" width="164"] Sen. David Haley[/caption]
In 2013, Senator David Haley introduced SB 9, which would establish a compassionate medical marijuana program in Kansas similar to the programs in 20 other states. That bill is still alive, but it has yet to be called to a vote in committee. In order to bring attention to the issue, he will be leading a rally to support patient access starting on the first floor of the Kansas Capitol Rotunda.
Despite the repeated requests of voters, MPP supporters, and Sen. Haley himself, the chairperson for the Committee on Public Health and Welfare has refused to set the bill for a hearing. Please help this important bill be heard. If you attend, please be sure to dress professionally and be respectful to all legislators. The rally begins at 9:30 a.m., but please arrive early. Participants are invited to remain afterwards to talk with senators and representatives to support access to medical marijuana.
A sizeable majority of Kansans support allowing medical marijuana. The legislature should stop frustrating the clear will of the voters and allow seriously ill patients to have access to a medicine that is safer than many pharmaceuticals.
Committee onPublic Health and Welfare, Kansas, rally, SB 9, Sen. David Haley, Topeka, Valentine's Day
[caption id="attachment_7335" align="alignright" width="134"] Rep. Matt Gaetz[/caption]
Yesterday, Florida Representative Matt Gaetz (R) introduced legislation to allow individuals to use medical marijuana containing very low levels of THC. The Speaker of the House is willing to let the bill move through his chamber. If you live in Florida, please email your lawmakers and ask them to support this very limited, yet compassionate, bill.
House Bill 843 would amend the definition of cannabis in the Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act to exclude marijuana that is both less than 0.5% THC and more than 15% CBD. Marijuana high in CBD has been found to be very effective at controlling seizures.
While HB 843 would dramatically improve the well-being of patients with catastrophic seizure conditions, it would also leave many other patients behind. Possessing and using marijuana with higher amounts of THC will continue to be a criminal offense. Many patients in the 20 states and Washington, D.C. (which have comprehensive medical marijuana programs), including patients with multiple sclerosis, cancer, and ALS, find relief from marijuana containing more than THC than HB 843 allows.
Florida voters will have a chance to approve medical marijuana this year as well, following the qualification of a ballot initiative last week.
CBD, FLCAN, Florida, Florida Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Control Act, HB 843, Matt Gaetz, THC